Let’s Catch Up

Grab your coffee cup, I’ve got mine. Here’s what you’ve missed.

1. As you may have seen yesterday, we adopted Hazel two months ago. It was a spur of the moment thing. We talked about getting a bigger dog, but weren’t ready quite yet. I found the picture below through a rescue and I was able to meet her the next day. That’s when three became four. Adoption is the way to go. There are SO many dogs and puppies a day away from being put down. Who could say no to that face?

2. I passed my PA recertification. I am now a MUCH happier person. We have to recertify every 6 years, and now I’m on the ten year cycle. I studied a solid three months dusk to dawn, re-learning ALL of medicine. I do OBGYN folks… but, I made it out alive! (So did Tony, that amazing soul. My stress level for this was >1,000 and he was so patient through the process). I wore everything lucky I could think of the morning of my test.

3. We are less than 6 months away from the big day! I’ve been in full wedding mode now. Dress, bridesmaids dresses, flowers, linens, save the dates, invitations. Today we are on our way to our tasting. Tony’s been working like a dog, so unfortunately he missed everything else (but what guy likes to do that anyway), today he’s all about trying the food with me! Huge thanks to G-Mama for helping me with everything else.

4. We booked our honeymoon to Moorea, French Polynesia. It’ll be our first getaway together that doesn’t have a full itinerary (We are GO GO GO people). Fun things to do and relaxation!

5. We had great holidays together- Thanksgiving and Christmas. I was fortunate enough to be off for both this year. This picture was pre-Hazel of course, since she didn’t join us until January 28th.

6. The gym really took the back burner. Like I said yesterday, I am VERY different than the wOman on here 2 years ago. Would I change anything about her? Absolutely not. If it wasn’t for that addiction I never would have met Tony and I would not be living this life now. I stopped going to the gym for 3 months, then those 3 months went… next up came 3 months of picking up the books for my PA recertification. I’m slowly getting back in the swing of things, and boy is it tough. I am starting from the bottom and that’s okay. We all start somewhere.

7. This one is a direct text I just opened from my lovely Fiancé : ARE YOU BLOGGING? 😮 See, he’s just as surprised as you guys! (Can we talk about how cute that snap chat filter is too?)

8. I eat everything in moderation now. LONG GONE are the days where I bust out the scale to measure what I eat. I’m serious, I probably haven’t done this since July. I actually do not calorie count at all. I look at stuff, I eat it. You know, like most of society? I am a much happier person now because of it. On those “cheat days” I would gorge myself and have half the pizza, plus tons of other stuff. Now I have 1-2 slices and move on with my life.

Believe it or not, some days I did miss logging on. I thought “wow, I really gave up everything, just because I was tired of doing it”. No one said I couldn’t come back, so here I am.

And now I’m off to enjoy the best part of the wedding preparation. The tasting! Good thing I’m done calorie counting… forever!



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  1. Jamie

    Happy to have you back and blogging! Sounds like you’ve found a good balance in your life too 🙂
    I’m also currently engaged, and the food tasting was the best for sure! Enjoy!

    1. Katie

      Congrats on your engagement as well! Thanks for reading again Jamie 🙂

  2. Janessa

    Welcome back!!!!

    1. Katie

      Thank you so much Janessa! Good to talk to you on snap those few times 🙂

  3. Danielle @ The T-Rex Runner

    So glad to see you back! I love seeing the balance and happiness that you have found in life.

    1. Katie

      Thanks Danielle! I read you all the time. Your life is amazing!!!!

  4. Laura

    Welcome back! Would love to hear more about how you let go of counting calories and started with mindful eating. I’m at the beginning of a similar journey and am struggling with this new mindset!

    1. Katie

      Thanks Laura! I will definitely do a post about it soon 🙂

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