Minnie Throwback
Hi everyone!
These past two days have been a whirlwind for me so I’ve decided to share some old things with you that you may have forgotten. It’s never too late to try things that once worked, right?
First up- Sexy Treadmill Legs
- 5 min warm-up, 4 % incline, 3.5 mph
- 3 min lunges, 2 % incline, 1.6 mph
- 4 min curtsy lunges, 2% incline, 1.6 mph
- 8 min walk, 10-12% incline, 3.9 mph
- 4 min squats, 2% incline, 1.8 mph
- 4 min side skip, 2 % incline, 3.0 mph
- 2 min lunges, 2 % incline, 1.6 mph
- 10 min walk, 10-12% incline, 3.9 mph
I first posted this back in 2014. It’s a great workout and kills two birds with one stone. Cardio and leg day!
Next up, carrot ginger soup! I need to make this again. It’s delicious
Here we have the time I realized I look exactly like my pet
And the time I found THE ONE.
We look totally different now… in a good way
The day my parents bought me a Vitamix! And THE FLUFF really came alive.

And soon I’ll get to remember moving into my first home with the love of my life. It’s come a long way and we couldn’t be more excited!
It definitely doesn’t look like that anymore!
Have a great Tuesday
XOXO With a Cherry On Top,
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