My Lucky Penny
Hi everyone!
Well, it took me long enough to write this update, but we have a NEW member of the fur family.
Please meet Penny.
She looks happy now, but Penny has had a pretty hard life. Let me start from the beginning… over 300 dogs were rescued from an AWFUL puppy mill in Southern Maryland. When I heard the news I felt my heart shatter into pieces. These dogs were abused, filthy, neglected, matted, and over bred. I cried and couldn’t understand how such sick people exist in this world, so I donated some money to the wonderful animal rescue that helped out.
Then about 2 weeks ago I saw a post on Facebook called “Pomdemonium 2016”, which was the rescue bringing a large group of the Poms to my local petsmart. I couldn’t believe it! I KNEW I was meant to go. So against Tony’s wishes Hannah and I went to the event.
This is where we met. Something drew me right to her. There were other dogs there, but I saw her and instantly felt love for this tiny little being. She was shaved down to skin in areas from being so matted, she had a LARGE curve in her little spine, and she was all ribs, but something said “you belong with me”. I asked the girl working the event if she knew anything about her and that’s when I was told she was 13 years old. My heart SUNK. 13!? My childhood pomeranian Little Du only lived to 12 years. It would break my heart if I got attached to this dog and something happened to her… but still something told me it shouldn’t matter. Part of that little something was my friend Hannah, who told me adopting a dog is NOT ABOUT YOU, it’s about giving the dog the best life possible for however long it is with you.
Fast forward five hours to me crying over the fact that it would be so irresponsible of me to bring home a 13 year old dog I cannot care for correctly. This little one has had zero human contact, well zero POSITIVE human contact. She has never had a toy. Never had a name. Probably never been on a walk in her life, and definitely never fed properly. The way Tony and I work, I couldn’t possible leave this little one all alone again for hours and hours. Even if we did, we couldn’t let her run the house in our brand new home and ruin it; but I couldn’t possibly crate her after spending her whole life in a puppy prison. So I cried more, thinking how can I make this work. Is it just that I need validation that she needs a wonderful home? Nope, that wasn’t it. She needed OUR HOME.
After talking to my mom about it a long time, distressed and incredibly sad, Tony and I went to the gym. As I climbed away on the step mill the most glorious text came through. This little one was going to have a home, and she was going to have a home with my parents! After a LONG process, my dad and I went to pick up baby girl last Friday!
And she was SO HAPPY to be free!
My mom thought of the name Penny because of her coloring, copper, just like a lucky penny
I’m over the moon that Penny is now a part of our family, and now there are THREE beautiful pomeranians to jump and run and play.
It took some time to adjust, but all three girls are getting along after week 1. Penny is a little bit timid (understandably), but she’ll learn in no time! Let’s just hope Phoebe doesn’t boss her around too much
Tony’s first time meeting Pen!
So far, Penny’s favorite things to do are eat, stretch, be held, and lay on my dad. Both of my parents are already SO attached to her, and when I come in the door she spins in circles on her bed.
I am so happy we could save her.
Of course I LOVE Shelby and Phoebe Buffay and wouldn’t change a thing, but from this day forward I will always adopt an animal. There are too many out there who need love and homes. Thank you to Last Chance Animal Rescue for rescuing Penny and bringing her to her forever home!
I’ll be back soon with some fitness related things, but I have to head out because I hear OREOS being opened downstairs without my permission. Yes Tony, I heard them!
XOXO With a Cherry On Top,
kaci cheeseman
She is so precious! What a wonderful thing your family did for her. Our adopted/rescued pets have always ended up being our most treasured pets (aka furry family members)
Aw thanks! I will always adopt now!