Not What I Expected
Good Morning all!
So remember yesterday when I talked about a smile on my face at all times and that NO ONE would get me down? Well it appears I am a bit of a liar. Work was one of the worst days EVER. I pretty much got yelled at all day long for things not in my control, I left over an hour later and also didn’t get lunch. I told G-Mama this last night talking to her on the phone (she’s always there for me to let me vent) and she said when you make plans, God laughs. So true!
But then I came home and getting yelled at all day long was gone from my mind when I saw these two things:

And THESE CAME!!!!!!!!!!!

I opened right away!

I had my eye on these months ago at Bed Bath and Beyond, but they were too pricey at the time while I was in between jobs. Plus they didn’t have the 14 piece set, only the 10. If I’m going to buy them, might as well get the big set!
I didn’t actually use them last night, I just looked at how pretty they were. Instead I snacked and made a Mini Minnie Lasagna using quinoa polenta and veggies! I made it and then by the time it was done I wasn’t very hungry…

So actually I have no idea how this tastes, I guess I will find out when I eat it later! Lasagna is always better the next day anyway!
I had these BIG workout plans. Actually it wasn’t anything too intense, but it was a home workout I was going to do, but by the time I got home I was starving, wiped, and my body just wasn’t up for it, so I skipped. I have the next 4 days off (woo hoo!) so I will be hitting it extra hard and maybe doubling up one time this weekend. The body does much better when it is adequately rested, and I am currently not well rested! (I always type these at night, so by the time you are reading this I probably have slept a good amount, yay).
Also if you did my 100 pushup challenge you will find out the next day your abs are EXTREMELY sore. Holy cow! I guess I never realized just how much you are using your abs to do pushups, but it makes sense. You are in a plank position the whole time while doing them, so abs are constantly contracting. My oh my they really hurt. So next time you want to work your abs, do lots of pushups!
In the meantime, enjoy THIS recipe some holiday themed fun! St. Patrick’s Day is around the corner, don’t go for that green beer, go for these GREEN cookies! I call them Shamrock Cookies

Yes just 81 calories. How are they green? Well two special ingredients help with that, click to find out
That’s all for today, enjoy the recipe and I’ll be back tomorrow with a good workout!
XOXO With a Cherry On Top
P.S. Phoebe is barking saying Yay time to go to G-Mama’s!
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