Quack Quack

That’s the sound my alarm makes telling me to get up. And what happens? I sleep right through the quacks. I can hear it plain as day, but I still continue to rest my head on the pillow and worry about it later. Then 5:18am hits, I panic, and then I jump out of bed, freaking out that I have to be out of the door in 12 minutes. Feed Phoebe, publish blog, make coffee, make fresh protein shake, get dressed, brush teeth and hair, pack all my stuff, slip on shoes. DONE out the door at 5:30. I’m getting good at this.

And I had to stop for gas, which is in the opposite direction. Still clocked in right at 6:00am. Seems I am tempting fate.

So from now on I have to change the quacks I sleep through to something more annoying that will make me want to turn it off. Oh and put my phone in a place where I have to get up to reach it.

That’s how my day started yesterday. I loaded up on breakfast since I knew I would be in the OR for 4 and a half hours (two meals). Usually oatmeal is on non-work days but I needed a little carb boost to stand on my feet for a few hours.

Yummy oatmeal, cottage cheese with a pinch of stevia, raspberries, and half a protein shake! Other half saved for later (I put 2 servings in one to save containers)
Yummy oatmeal, cottage cheese with a pinch of stevia, raspberries, and half a protein shake! Other half saved for later (I put 2 servings in one to save containers)

After my case, my tummy required more food!

Gobble Gobble, turkey! Also some rice, spaghetti squash and asparagus
Gobble Gobble, turkey! Also some rice, spaghetti squash, and asparagus
Let's not forget the rice cake! I don't like to make up my mind with nut butter so I do two kinds :)
Let’s not forget the rice cake! I don’t like to make up my mind with nut butter so I do two kinds šŸ™‚ The left is Justin’s chocolate, the right is my homemade mixed nut butter.

By 330 I was starting to feel really bad again (same problems from this weekend) and I was set on going home. By the time 430 came I felt better already, so I hit the gym for back and biceps!

Biceps are growing again!
Biceps are growing again!
Oh "Hai Jane"- for you DiPeppe ;)
Oh “Hai Jane”- for you DiPeppe šŸ˜‰

I left ready to hit the road and see my pup!

Gym bag, water, and nut butter for a friend downstairs! Yes I brought it to the gym...
Gym bag, water, and nut butter for a friend downstairs! Yes I brought it to the gym…

At home Phoebe was super excited to see me. This is my Phoebe collage from last night. Walks in the rain and snuggle time šŸ™‚

My heart <3
My heart <3

And then 2 minutes later I pulled a tick off of her! YUCK! This keeps happening to poor Phoebs. She’s low to the ground so unfortunately she picks them up. This weekend a haircut is in her future. Mama is nervous! She’s GORGEOUS, but I can’t see if something is on her, plus it’s getting too darn hot for her and she pants all day long. Poor little girl.

My night ended with dinner and the Bachelorette. Oh and me screaming at the TV because the stupid weather cut in on the BEST PART! Des giving some loser the boot for having a girlfriend. Weather man I appreciate you wanting to keep us safe, but a minute update would have been fine instead of breaking in for 10 minutes and messing with the one good thing on Monday nights.

I also had some of that delicious Chocolate Strawberry tea. So good

Love this tea
Love this tea

Today is Tuesday. Not a fan of these, but one step closer to Friday so I am okay with it šŸ™‚

Have a good one!

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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  1. Chelsea @ LittleOneRuns

    I have to put my alarm on a bookcase on the wall of the other side of my bed, so once I get up to turn it off, I’m up lol. Love it when later on you feel better, makes the workout session so much more pleasant šŸ™‚ Aw, you can just see how much Phoebe adores you šŸ™‚

    1. Katie

      So I changed it this morning and got up at 430! woot lol

  2. Anesa

    before starting this prep. do you used to eat any protein bars and if yes what kind do you recommend? thank you

    1. Katie

      QUEST bars are the best! Lowest amount of net carbs. Low sugars. High protein, taste GOOD! My favorite flavor is chocolate chip cookie dough. Heat it up in the microwave for 15 seconds and it’s like dessert! You can find them at GNC

  3. Sophie

    Hello! I just wanted to say I love reading your blog and check in daily. I do nowhere near as much preparation to be healthy – but I still do some and I find that mentally exhausting! Keep it up though, seems like you’re doing amazingly xx

    1. Katie

      Thank you SO much! I’m glad you are enjoying reading it Sophie! (Love your name too šŸ˜‰ )

  4. Nicole

    Oh HAI, Katie!!!!

    1. Katie

      lmao DiPeppe. Find a pic?

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