Rehoboth Beach

Hi Friends 🙂
I hope everyone had a great weekend. Sounds like there were some good plans! Tony and I went to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware for the weekend and made some amazing memories.
Even though it was my idea, I was a little concerned about a beach town because there is temptation everywhere. Fried this and that, ice cream galore, doughnuts, french fries on every corner. I made sure I stayed on my plan until I got my dinner time treat.
The night before I prepped all our meals for Saturday and half of Sunday. It’s a lot of hard work, but worth it!
Of course we hit some traffic in the morning since it was Saturday and there are about 4 beaches to choose from over the Bay Bridge. That’s okay though, we had fun driving too 🙂
And I had coffee, so all was right in the world.
When we first arrived we hit a gym. It was small, but effective for what we needed to train. I hit glutes/legs and Tony hit back.
Lately, we’ve both been happy with our progress. He’s definitely gotten bigger since re-introducing carbs into his diet and I’m leaning just a smidge, but building muscle. I haven’t begun my real cut yet!
No glute enhancements required over here! Just old fashioned squats and lunges!
Saturday was full of walking the cute stores around Rehoboth. So many fun boutiques and shops!
We had so much fun going in all the dessert places and staring. There’s nothing like real homemade candies and treats.
Except these aren’t people treats… they are doggie treats! How cool huh? I bought Shelby and Phoebe each one of these because it was Phoebes 3rd birthday on Monday! Shelby loves these yogurt treats too.
Tony and I headed to the beach, but unfortunately did not stay long. For some reason the bugs were TERRIBLE. Plus it was crazy crowded and I really freak out in crowds. I actually love exploring on vacations more than I do sitting on a beach all day. “Let’s look”, that’s me! I’m glad Tony is the same way.
Well… hello… 😉
Later on we headed to the hotel, and got pretty for a REAL DATE NIGHT! My excitement was over the top.
I had been dieting pretty hard for 4 weeks, sticking to my plan exactly, and Tony was just coming off of an INTENSE four week NO CARB diet. God bless him. He was really excited too.
And then it arrived…
My body was very confused at what was happening. It’s written all over my face.
It was incredible though. You know I love me some cheese and carbs.
We hit the boardwalk in search for our dessert.
But I had packed some of the new marshmallow crisp Oreos and Tony was in love. For those of you who don’t know, we now call him RKT (rice krispie treat) because it’s his pre workout carb. Everyone stares in the gym when he eats them.
Even though I had been CRAVING cupcakes it seemed unnatural not to have ice cream when in Rehoboth. There is a really popular place that sells every ice cream flavor you can imagine and all homemade. I mean just look at all the choices!
I was a bit overwhelmed because I had to make THE RIGHT CHOICE. It was my only treat and it had to be epic.
But then I looked to the left and knew I was in good hands. Look at the sprinkles…
I chose cake batter with cookie dough. Can’t go wrong there! Tony captured this little candid moment as I was licking a sprinkle 😉
You can tell I’m pretty happy.
Probably the best ice cream I’ve ever had. Even the waffle bowl was like a dream.
I do have to say I suffered for a good two days over this meal. I do not regret it, I get one in this prep, but BOY OH BOY I was sick for two days.
As we were finishing our ice cream a downpour came out of nowhere. A little rain wouldn’t make us melt, but this was a BAD STORM and we were parked two miles away. After trying to wait it out we sucked it up, purchased overpriced umbrellas and walked it. I laugh now, but it was terrible. Nothing clears out the beach like a vicious storm.
Sunday we picked up a few things to take home and spent some more time on the boardwalk.
Every trip I get a mug to add to my collection. This one I couldn’t resist, because well.. it’s ME.
And on the ride home we purchased some amazing fresh produce in Delaware, along with THIS STUFFÂ that I am saving for November!
I love all jams, jellies, preserves, you name it. Blackberry is very hard to come by so I snatched it up!
So as you can see we had a great time. I love every moment I spend with Tony. Memories we will share forever.
I’ll be back tomorrow. Don’t forget tomorrow is the last day to enter the HydraFacial MD product giveaway!
XOXO With a Cherry On Top,
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