Same Thing Different Day

Happy Thursday everyone 🙂
I’m busy as a bee as usual. Nothing new here! Work, eat, gym, prep for the day, sleep a little, repeat. That about sums up everything.
The worst part of prep: EGG PEELING! I’ve mastered it though.  
Keeping the diet basic these last few weeks. Tilapia, cauliflower, asparagus, and avocado! 
Yesterday at work on two different occasions in the morning I had people say to me “you look so full of life today, hydrated, and smiling”. My response? “It’s high carb day!”. I was feeling really good in the morning and looking forward to eating my oats and sweet potatoes! I was on 2 days of low carb to see how my body responded and I think it worked well. I felt leaner and tighter yesterday morning, so for these next 1 and a half weeks I will finish my prep carb cycling. I think my body just hit a bit of a plateau so I needed something to switch it up a bit.
Before I know it, peak week will be here. Oh my gosh, ALREADY! I’m very bipolar about my entire prep. One minute I’m saying wow this went fast, then when someone says to me “that went fast!” I feel like I need to slap them… sorry for the violence 😉 but just being truthful. As you guys know this has been hard on me and each day was a challenge. As they call it “the struggle”.
Anyway, yesterday I realized I only have about 2 weeks of gym sessions left before the big day. That’s NOTHING! The last few days before the show you do not work out. The body needs to recover and you don’t want to be swollen and carrying extra water weight on stage. Peak week is where the magic truly happens and your body pops in all the right places. I’ve done a lot of research on how to do it and some of it is very unsafe because of the dehydration factor, so I will be doing my own version of it while staying healthy! A lot is to be done that week too so I took off that Tuesday through the next Monday after my show. Why Monday? Well Sunday I plan on stuffing my face. Before I started prep I always suffered from gastrointestinal problems, so you can imagine what’s going to happen when I put fatty foreign foods in my body. Luckily I have a great boss who told me to take off whichever days I needed. I work SUPER hard at work, so it’s nice to be able to take off when I need it.
I’ve been making sure to practice my posing every day even if I only have 5 minutes or so. NPC News Online has pictures up of the show I went to this past Saturday and you can tell why girls that looked great didn’t do as well. THE POSING! It was obvious even in pictures who didn’t have a coach showing them what to do. Presentation is a huge part of this process, so I try to fit it in whenever I can.
And yes I actually wore those bright  Nike Pros all day at the gym!
I normally never wear shorts, but it’s time to face my fears since I will pretty much be wearing floss and rhinestones in front of a crowd of people with lights beaming down on me. Okay just typing that sentence gave me palpitations…
So what’s new in the gym world? Well nothing really. Just trying to tighten up these last few sessions and doing my cardio. Now is not the time to try new and crazy things. Sticking to what works. Lifting hard and heavy, sweating during cardio!
I love me some Michelle Tanner! You got it dude 🙂
I want to end today by giving a big thank you to my new family over at Pop Sugar! They sent me this little gift in the mail yesterday. It was a nice surprise to come home to. I love hoodies and was in desperate need of a new black one 🙂
Well it’s time for Phoebs and I to hit “big bed”—- bed time. But where can you usually find her if she’s not at my feet?
Under the couch of course! Her spot.
Have a great day and I’ll be back soon!
XOXO With a Cherry On Top,

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  1. Kristy

    WAIT….are you going to start doing videos for PopSugar?!
    If you are, I’M SOOOOO EXCITED!!! I love PopSugar. All of their videos are great. I think that you would be a great addition.

    1. Katie

      I’m just part of their blogger program, I’d love to do videos for them though!

  2. Chelsea @ A Fit LittleOne

    Congrats with Popsugar!! And I couldn’t help but laugh at “I feel like I need to slap them” hahaha. Totally understandable. I’m so excited for the Big Day!! I can’t wait to see the suite, and I’ve loved watching this process. It is truly amazing what the human body can do 🙂

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