Seattle Part 1

Hi everyone. Happy Monday!

This week I’ll be discussing my adventures in Seattle with my best friend Sarah. I traveled over 2,400 miles just for a 4 day reunion and it was well worth it. Side note: I’m crying again typing this. I am so lucky to have a friend like Sarah. She’s genuinely happy for me when I do well, we have a lot in common, and whenever we reunite it’s like we just saw each other yesterday. I sincerely wish we lived closer, however being so far away makes our friendship much more special. It’s rare.

And I’m also so lucky for Tony dropping everything to do this as his vacation with me. My circle may be small, but it’s as strong as they come. Anyway, let’s get to day one!

Our flight was at the crack of dawn… well before dawn really. I slept maybe 2 hours since I worked the night before.


It was a long two flights with a lot of interrupted sleep, but we made it!


This was the view from our hotel! So nice. We were 36 floors up. Sarah had a few errands to run so Tony and I decided to search around for food.


We just walked unknowingly and look where we ended up.


The famous Pike street!


Pike Street is so amazing. There is a huge market with anything you could possibly want.


Also home to the fresh fish market where they will throw them.


Just look at all the fresh produce. I really wish I could have taken some home. All so beautiful.



There were so many things to look at and some impeccable views. I wouldn’t have wanted to be with anyone else.


We also ran into the famous piggy bank. You are supposed to put coins in him and good luck will come your way.


Next up was lunch! I had a “grown up grilled cheese” that was HEAVEN. Lots of delicious veggies, but ooey gooey cheese and crusty bread. You simply cannot beat cheese and carbs.



My handsome date had a burger 😉

After lunch came a visit to the ORIGINAL STARBUCKS!



Luckily, we went on a Thursday, so I waited in line for maybe 5 minutes, but waited for my coffee for a good 20. Sarah told me later that it’s usually more than an hour wait. Crazy, huh!?

Right after this Sarah did meet up with us! I didn’t get a reunion picture because we were SO BUSY hugging and chatting away. I love her like a part of my family. She pointed me in the direction to the best Greek yogurt Seattle has to offer, and I was immediately intrigued because I saw it on Instagram.


Hands down, the best thing I had in Seattle. This was ‘marionberry pie’ flavor, which was like a blackberry with pie crumble. It was so decadent and creamy. I had it TWICE during our four day visit. If you are in Seattle, you must go try it!

Tony, Sarah, and I then headed back to the hotel and got all pretty for dinner with Andy! This was my first time meeting Sarah’s husband, which is weird because I know so much about him. And we finally got the reunion picture!


I went for a dark, sleek, and chic grunge look for Seattle. Did I mention I went shopping a few days before we left for a new wardrobe for the trip? No, I didn’t have much money to spend, HOWEVER Forever 21 is a huge savior when it comes to things like this. You go in for something you need for an event, or even a fad, and it’s so reasonable! Especially for something that will get limited use.


Flannel was the Seattle theme. You’ll see more later 😉

Finally time for dinner. We went to a Mexican fusion restaurant which was actually Sarah and Andy’s first date! How adorable.



You know I had to go with a quesadilla!


Dinner was kale and butternut enchiladas. Sarah and I ended up getting the same 🙂


Let’s talk about how Sarah is such a good friend. While we were in Mexico, I purchased these nuts for my Dad because Sarah said Andy loves them. My dad ended up really liking them, so her next visit to Mexico she picked up a bag for my Dad! How sweet 🙂


After dinner, Sarah and Andy showed us around Seattle.



Macklemore and Ryan Lewis are from the area, so she took us to the original “thrift shop”.


And then we also indulged in some fro-yo.




We ended our night with an amazing view of the city. Sarah and Andy knew a spot most tourists are not familiar with!





It was an incredible first night, and so good to see Sarah. Tomorrow I’ll talk hitting a workout with a friend!

Stay tuned this week for more of my Seattle adventures including Tony taking on a 12 egg omelette challenge.

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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