Sesame Crusted Ahi Tuna

Before I went vegetarian, ahi tuna was one of my favorite dishes. It is super filling, great for you, and tastes a million times better than tuna in a can! I don’t eat canned tuna fish anymore, but even when I did in the past it was a rare occasion.

Now that I am back to my meaty ways, I had my first ahi tuna again! It was definitely as good as I remember. I like mine rare in the middle, it’s nice and juicy that way! Tuna is loaded with omega 3’s, making it a heart healthy food!

It is also a mega protein, with 25 grams in a 4 ounce serving! Plus only a gram and a half of fat, and 120 calories. Perfect for after a workout!

This is barely a recipe, but when I posted it on Instagram (follow me: SkinnyMinnieMoves) people started to drool over it! So I figured why not post?

For this recipe you will need:

-4 ounces of ahi tuna
-2 Tablespoons of white roasted sesame seeds
-1 Tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil

Start by heating a pan with extra virgin olive oil on high heat. This helps to sear the outside of the tuna and keep the inside rare

Mix together 2 Tablespoons of sesame seeds with some pepper

I love sesame seeds!
I love sesame seeds!

Now take your tuna and just coat the sides (dip the tuna in the seeds)

Crusting the tuna with sesame seeds!
Crusting the tuna with sesame seeds!

Place in the pan and cook for 2 minutes on one side… FLIP!

Flipped Tuna
Flipped Tuna

And then cook another 2 minutes and you’re done!!!

Sesame Crusted Ahi Tuna
Sesame Crusted Ahi Tuna

I topped with wasabi for a little punch. This tuna was absolutely scrumptious. Look how nice and golden brown the sesame seeds get! I will be making this quite often. Simple, yet incredible.

This was my dinner plate for the night

I love tuna!
I love tuna!- Ravens potatoes and onions with chives, and some roasted bok choy

Dinner is my favorite meal of the day! I love coming home and making something fresh after a good gym session. Never deprive yourself of wonderful healthy foods! 🙂

Happy eating…

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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