Shaggin’ my way to recovery
Hello everyone! For some reason it feels like a while since I have blogged… but it was just a weekend!
On Friday it became bitter cold here in Maryland. We went from 60 degree weather to 26 at night. I guess mother nature wanted to skip fall. Perfect excuse to wear my headband ear warmer and leg warmers though 🙂
When the evening rolled around I knew I had to get out of the house. I have still been fighting my cold, and my voice was still super hoarse, but I figured a movie wouldn’t hurt!
I went with my friend LJ to see “Dumb and Dumber To”
The original is probably my ALL TIME favorite movie. If you recall in the beginning Harry drives the Mutt Cutts “shaggin’ wagon” and there is a pomeranian in the back 😉
I’m afraid to admit I searched for a picture WAY too long…
Anyway about 20 minutes into the movie I felt horrible. Stuffy, headache, super dry throat. I tried to hide it the best I could until we walked out in the cold and my coughing was non stop. Good thing he was super understanding, I sure felt like a dummy! I obviously wasn’t ready for normal life again…
So on Saturday after a good workout in the morning (chest and triceps), I decided it was a good idea to stay in for the night. I made really good use of my time and ended up meal prepping for the week!
- Eggs (all peeled too!)
- Overnight oats
- Chicken Breast
- Shrimp
- Bison steaks
- Vegetable soup
- Carrot ginger soup
- Spaghetti Squash
- Various veggies
Veggie soup
Carrot Ginger Soup. I’ll have these recipes soon!
Phoebe and I watched one of my favorite movies from my childhood while I prepped. Shag 🙂
If you’ve never seen it, I HIGHLY recommend it!
Basically it is about 4 young girls in the 60’s who have a last hurrah before college. They go to Myrtle Beach and have drunken fun. Plus that Jimmy Valentine! I compare him to the modern day Ryan Gosling or Robert Pattinson.
By the way this was an 80’s movie 🙂
My favorite part by far is when Pudge is in that blue dress and dances the shag with Chip!
When it came on I started to dance like a fool in my apartment. There’s just something about that kind of music! It’s so fun. I may have downloaded it later… but that could be a rumor 😉
On Sunday I hit the gym and did quads and calves. After 20 minutes on the step mill I felt a little nauseated, so I strayed away from heavy weights. I know a few days and I will be better. At least I hope! Anyway I did mostly body weight things.
If you want to target just your quads here’s what I did:
- Squats holding the bar in front of you, 10 reps x 4 sets
- Bulgarian Split squats (foot up on box), 10 reps each leg x 4 sets
- Wall sit for 10 seconds, lift one leg at 90 degrees for 10 seconds, then the other leg x 10 seconds. 4 sets
- Leg extensions, 2 sets both legs, 2 sets single leg
- Stability ball squats (ball against wall), 12 reps x 4 sets
- Kettle ball leg kicks, 8 reps x 4 sets each leg. Here the kettle ball loop slips on the foot. Bring the knee up and kick the leg out into an extension. BURNS THAT QUAD!
I also did some calf raises on the smith machine using a 25 lb plate beneath my feet. This gives you a little extra room to extend the calf. I also did them single leg.
Later that day I went on the hunt for real people clothes. I basically have 2 pairs of jeggings that fit me right. Every thing I own is either too tight in the quads and booty, or too loose in the waist. And most shirts? Yeah my arms are about to rip out of them…
I really didn’t have much luck. I went back to target for those magical jeggings only to end up with a lot of other stuff and no jeggings. All gone 🙁
But look how cute my ornaments are!
So if you have any suggestions for places I could shop PLEASE let me know. Yoga pants are not working for date nights.
XOXO With a Cherry On Top,
Chelsea @ Raw N' Toned
Love that Ariel ornament!! Sadly I don’t have any advice for pants, I wear leggings hahaha. Get to feeling better!!!
What about some ponte knit pants? BCBG has some cute pattnerns/designs. Yes they’re “Leggings,” but it’s a thick fabric, so it won’t feel like yoga pants and your date won’t notice the difference! I’m loving on some of the color blocked ones they have right now. I’ve heard good things about Gap’s legging jeans, but haven’t tried them myself. Normally when I can’t find pants, I just get skirts/dresses and tights instead.
Love those ornaments!! So cute! And sorry. No advice on clothes. I’m in a clothing slump right now and I’m not sure why. I just want to find a cute oversized sweater that has enough shape to not make me look like a box but is long enough to wear with leggings, haha