Sisterly Love

Happy Labor Day everyone! Thanks to all those hard working Americans out there, especially if you are actually working on labor day šŸ™‚

Yesterday was a wonderful little Sunday for me! Usually I go to the gym, see my parents, meal prep, and cry a little bit about going back to work for the week. This time I knew I had a bonus day.

It was a day full of girl fun. Casey (sis), Bella (niece), and I had a little outing to the mall. I rarely am out of gym clothes, so I decided to FINALLY wear this dress I bought at Nordstrom at the beginning of the summer. I tend to leave things in my closet unworn a very long time.Ā Warning this post is photo heavy!

nordies dress

So in this picture I am wearing a necklace that was once my moms, it’s a cameo.

cameo necklace

I put it on yesterday morning and then after I was walking around a while I realized I had a dream about a cameo necklace. Isn’t it crazy how our subconscious works? I have lots of necklaces and rarely wear them, but I grabbed this one for the day.

When Casey and Bella came (thanks for dropping them off Drueby!), we headed out to the mall. First thing was first, FOOD! We hit up The Cheesecake Factory because I knew they now have a “skinny” menu that I could choose from. This was the first time ever that I’ve been and they seated us right away. Must have been Bella, little good luck charm šŸ™‚

cheesecake factory

We ordered edamame to start. I’ve never seen a kid love it as much as Bella. She’s a good eater. She always says “I will have a salad”. 6 years old… going on 16.

edamame hands

We did a good job of clearing it.

bread and edamame

This bread is so good, but I knew better, I skipped. For my meal I ordered a Ahi Tuna Salad. It was really good! The Cheesecake Factory has upped their game.

tuna salad

Funny thing is I’ve always HATED tomatoes. Evidently I’ve been eating the wrong kind. These were plump and DELICIOUS! So sweet and went great with the salad. I guess I like tomatoes now?

Casey and Bella ordered a salad and fries. Like mother, like daughter šŸ˜‰

sweet pot and salad

fries and salad

Once we were done eating we headed in the mall. Now this mall has a carousel near one of the entrances. How cool is that? It’s like a mini Disney World in the mall! Round one I stood off to the side and took pictures.

casey bell carousel

Then we went shopping. Bella went to town at the Disney store and picked up some really cute Little Mermaid wedding gear. I later received this picture that said “love you KK”

the bride

The Little Mermaid comes out on Blue-Ray in October… You know I’m buying that!

Casey and I bought candles from Bath and Body Works (hey 2 for $22) I couldn’t say no even though I just bought 3 a few weeks ago and I now have…. well… more than I have fingers and toes. If anyone ever needs to come up with a gift idea for me it’s these candles for sure!

more candles

We also stopped for Nordstrom coffees (better than Starbucks) and I was so happy to see STEVIA! This is the first time I’ve ever seen it offered at coffee bars. Happy girl.

stevia at the mall

And then we made some wishes in the fountain. I made it a good one.



make a wish

Our day wrapped up with ROUND 2 of the carousel. I joined in on this one. Since I had a dress on I had to sit to the side.

KK carousel

Bella carousel

Isn’t my girl beautiful?

We were all pretty tired by the end of the day! After taking my ladies home I went home and plopped in my bed for a good 2 hours. I didn’t even sleep, no TV, no music. I just rested. After dinner and a little TV I managed to workout in my apartment gym around 10pm (yes I’m crazy). But I needed to get it done! It was day 1 of Beautiful Booty Booster and I was determined to fit it in. It took me about 30 minutes, and then I did about 15 minutes on the elliptical. A quick little workout, but effective.

Since I didn’t have a box, I used a bench for my step ups. I also used the smith machine for my weighted booty bridges. Creativity at its finest. Watch those hip bones though!

smith booty bridges

Today I hit the gym early so I have the rest of the day to spend at my parents house (Phoebe missed you guys oh so much). I think I will probably hit the treadmill again because my little run sessions really flatten out my tummy!

flat tum

Have a safe holiday!

the gals

-Family Love-

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


P.S. Day 3 of Beautiful Booty Booster is a rest day! But continue with your regular gym workout šŸ™‚ My bum is sore!

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  1. Chelsea @ A Fit LittleOne

    Love Love Love that dress! Looks like you had a great day šŸ™‚ Dang!! Now that’s dedication. I would have just called it quits that late and did the workout the next day haha I’m defiantly not a night owl. That’s exactly how I feel about my run sessions, and I also love running so that helps haha. Have a great day šŸ™‚

  2. Lisa

    Love your dress! I tend to leave things in my closet unworn a very long time too! šŸ™‚

  3. its me

    Had a great time. Great pics. Luv u

  4. Kim @ BusyBod

    I’m super jellie bones of that dress, LOVE the tie-dye and it looks fabulous on you! Your niece is too cute, looks like an amazing time!

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