“Slow Down You’re Making Us Look Bad”
I have to say it feels nice for the weekend to have rolled around again. I woke up feeling MUCH better. Still not 100% there, but so much better than the day before.
First thing I started my coffee. I added a little bit of creamer to it and it was FABULOUS. Crazy how such a little bit can make a difference. I definitely missed creamer during my extreme clean eating.

I then took my weekly trip to Wegman’s. I picked up lots of fruits, veggies, and a few things I missed out on like hummus and parmesan cheese. Because I was trying to get it done early, I didn’t eat before I left. So in the store I had to snack!

The market in the store is so incredible. The bread always looks and smells amazing!

Look at this yummy spread

I decided to pick up my lunch from here too! This was a BIG deal for me. I haven’t had one meal that I haven’t cooked myself since SEPTEMBER! Can you believe that? Control issues to the max! I’m slowly trying to become a normal person. Baby steps
Playing along with my alphabet game, my lunch was Sashimi! F for fish

I skipped the soy sauce since I am having bloat issues. Just some wasabi to clean out those sinuses
After dropping off the groceries, I picked up Phoebs and we headed to G-Mama’s! Phoebe attacked Shelbs, she was so happy to see her.

Shelby was pretty happy to see me too!

I had some tea and caught up on Top Chef

And then headed to the gym for a little back/shoulder combo day!
I started with 22 minutes on the stair master, then hit my favorite exercises! While I was lifting, there was a group of guys that stopped me and said “slow down! You’re making us look bad!”. I couldn’t help but laugh hysterically because it’s 100% TRUE! They were saying how they are resting in between exercises and I’m doing double sets without breaks. I told them yeah that’s why I’m here, to do it better than all the guys
I hate resting between sets now! I like to keep my heart rate up, so like I’ve mentioned the last few weeks, I’ll do different exercises in between my sets to get the most out of my workout in the short period I am there. No time for lounging!
Here’s my shoulder/back workout:
- Upright rows with 20 lb weights, 15 reps x 4 sets
- Side bends with 25 lb kettle, 20 reps x 2 sets each side
- Rotator Cuff open and close, 15 lb kettles, 12 reps x 4 sets
- Standing crunch with 30 lb kettle, 10 reps x 4 sets
- Lateral arm raises, 8 lb kettles, 12 reps x 4 sets
- Single arm upright rows alternating, 15 lb kettles, 12 reps x 4 sets
- Kettle bell swings with 30 lbs (these work the back BIG TIME), 15 reps x 4 sets
- Torso twists with 30 lb kettle, 10 reps x 4 sets
- Delt Fly’s with 20 lb weights, 12 reps x 4 sets
- Assisted Lat Pullups 10 reps x 4 sets
- Shoulder shrugs 35 lb kettles each arm, 12 reps x 5 sets (my new fav)
- Oblique standing crunch (knee to elbow) with 12 lb kettles, 12 reps x 2 sets each side
- Front delt raise with 20 lb bar, 15 reps x 3 sets
- Plate row (25 lbs), 12 reps x 4 sets
- Military press with 20 lb bar, 25 reps x 2 sets
- Back extensions using the stand (the one you hang over), 12 reps x 2 sets
- Oblique extensions using the stand, 12 reps x 2 sets each side
I also hit the elliptical for 25 minutes
Finished with mountain climbers on the bosu and some stretching!
I know the above looks like a lot! It certainly didn’t feel like it. I normally don’t do this much but since I skipped 2 days in a row I really had so much energy to keep going!
Oh and wouldn’t you know half way through my workout I realized my pants were on inside out! I laughed at myself, and just kept working out. Tag flapping in the wind… I didn’t feel like fixing them.

I did wear my heart rate monitor too so I could see what shoulder day helps me burn

And just to show you guys that you are CONSTANTLY burning calories all day, this was an hour later!

I think I earned my dinner.
My recipe today actually isn’t a food recipe. It’s a detox drink! Since I have been having bloating issues, I decided to mix together something that will help me flush my system a bit. I tweaked Jillian Michaels recipe, so of course I have to give credit to her for this

Click the picture for the recipe!
Later today will be leg day! Might try something different again since the squat day did so much for my body! I’d love to repeat it, but I think I should mix it up a bit

Enjoy your lovely Saturday! I hope there is sunshine where you are
XOXO With a Cherry On Top,
Chelsea @ LittleOneRuns
holy crap! never thought weights burned that many calories!! that is a crazy amount. it’s sunny over here!!! omg love little shelby, so adorable!! have a great weekend
Thanks Chelsea! Hope your weekend is great as well. Shelby Ann is such a good dog! I’m hoping one day she rubs off on my little terror! haha
And yes, lifting does wonders for your calorie burn! See why I am a fan now?