Stage Shots

Hey Gang!

I’ll be back tomorrow with a full blog of “my story” so to speak, but in the meantime if you wanted to see my stage shots from the show you can find them on NPCNEWSONLINE. 

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Isn’t it crazy how I look like a completely different person on stage with the lights as opposed to backstage?


I’m a little tiny person in real life! That’s why dieting for this is so hard and when people see you in person they think you are so tiny.. it’s because you are! The stage changes everything.

Anyway, back to the “real world” I guess.

Come back tomorrow 🙂

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,




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  1. Leslie

    Girl you are strong! Lots of muscle, keep it up!

    1. Katie

      I wish I could have! It was a dagger to me when I found out birthday cake flavored while I’m trying to finish another bikini prep. Oh well!

  2. Katja

    Big hi from Norway, Katie! I have read almost all your blog – it is addicting, and although I am a cat person, I fell in love with Phoebe. Kiss her from me. Congratulations on your victory!! You are so cool and strong! Girl power!
    By the way, I am subscribed to your blog via email, but have never received a single post 🙁 So I have to go and check the blog directly. Just wanted to inform you about it.

    Have a nice Easter!

    1. Katie

      Thanks Katja! Yeah Phoebe is a trip huh? And thanks for the info about the subscribing. Wasn’t sure it was working, guess it’s not. Thanks 🙂

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