Day By Day

Hi Friends! So this weekend I had one of those brain teasers again that I posted about last week. “Why I do This”. This…

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Why I Do This

Sometimes when I’m alone I think about things. I think about things WAY TOO MUCH. I worry, I over analyze; all the fabulous…

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Weekend Cleaning

Hi Friends! Back to the week we go huh? For me this weekend wasn’t anything too special. Tony and I spent time apart…

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Ninety Four

Happy Friday! Are you happy it’s almost the weekend? As you can imagine… I SURE AM! Like I said yesterday, I finished my…

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Leave It In The Gym

Hi friends! Guess what today is? Well, besides Thursday, TODAY marks my final training session for this prep. I honestly cannot believe it.…

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Final Touches

Hey gang! Sorry for missing yesterday. I didn’t even realize I didn’t write a blog until I went to the gym in the…

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Monday Round Up

Hey everyone 🙂 I hope you had a nice Easter holiday if you celebrated yesterday. Phoebe got a new toy. A peep! How…

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Well That Was Fast

Hey everyone 🙂 Yesterday I talked finishing up my bikini life and taking the big leap to figure. I can’t remember ever being…

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