Well That Was Fast

Hey everyone šŸ™‚

Yesterday I talked finishing up my bikini life and taking the big leap to figure. I can’t remember ever being so excited about prep! I think I was just in the wrong category the whole time.

I’ve spoken to some people and I’m currently looking for a coach to guide me through the process. I think I may have found one, so I’m pretty excited about it. And I’m even more excited that more food is coming my way. I love to eat, it’s awesome.

I don’t have a timeline yet, I haven’t even finished my bikini journey, but so happy to make the jump. Even happier that some of my friends are so stoked for me. I guess they always knew I was a figure girl hiding behind a bikini gal image šŸ˜‰


Plus I’m eager to get back to the old Minnie. Playing around in the kitchen, making healthy recipes, eating some Quest Bars, and lifting heavy with carbs in me.

Almonds, Oats, and Stevia

Speaking of carbs, I’m dreaming of this carb load I had with my friend Tony last week. We went out with a bang before I got back on the bikini prep game.


Then we walked and searched for dessert. We were lead to WARM COOKIES.



Sorry if I made you drool šŸ˜›


This was by far one of the messiest meals I’ve ever eaten, but so darn worth it. We don’t judge each other.

Yesterday I did my cardio thing and got in a big leg lift. I also hit some posing in my old gym since I can now live the non-secret life!



Dialing in with 10 days left. I’m just trying to maintain this look right now to keep me looking fit and muscular, but not ripped. I fully expect judges comments to be “consider figure”. I’m on it peeps!

So what did my actual gym time consist of? Well, I didn’t do my normal leg routine. I did what I wanted for legs, which reminds me WHOOPS forgot calves. I always forget them!

I threw the stiff leg dead lifts back in with the toes pointed in. I swear by these now. Hamstrings on fire.


Also hit up walking lunges with and without hand weights, my old trusty cable kick backs, and some squat action. Some of my old leg routine I’d bruise all over my legs, so I switched things up so I wouldn’t have to worry about it come show day.

This is the show I’ll be doing!


If you are in the area and are interested in a great natural show I highly suggest checking it out. They are long days, so choose pre-judging or finals to see what it’s all about. Plus, you can root me on as I say bye bye to my bikini days.

What color do you think I’m going to wear? I told you guys I have a new suit for this one šŸ˜‰

Have a great Wednesday. Lift heavy, eat healthy, and be happy!

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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