Stormy Days

Good Morning Everyone. TGIF!

Lots on my plate today but determined to get it all done. Yesterday morning my team started late at 7am so the night before I thought okay great I can sleep the extra hour. Well I didn’t. At 3am Phoebe paced the bed like crazy and barked in my face which means she needed to get down. After slurping a whole bowl of water and being impatient I told her to come back when she was done and I’d pick her up.

I woke up at 4:30am in a panic, feeling around my bed… “WHERE IS PHOEBE!?”. I guess the little booger never came back and chilled out in the living room. I was wide awake so I got up anyway and killed some time doing blog related things and drinking coffee. I can never get up on time when I have to be to work at 6am, but when I can come in later I get up my real time… figures.

I also took a few progress pics. Here’s a legs picture, they are already starting to come in nicely!

Already starting to get a little quad separation! Hey I'll take it
Already starting to get a little quad separation! Hey I’ll take it

When I got to work everyone was talking about the storms and floods coming our way. We were supposed to get really bad thunderstorms and high winds in the morning and then again in the afternoon. I went along with my day and had meal 1.

Greek yogurt with mango! Mmmmm
Greek yogurt with mango! Mmmmm

I ended up being insanely busy all morning, running around the hospital doing lots of things, seeing patients, etc.

Afternoon took a turn for me and things weren’t exactly going as planned, then the storm hit and it was scary!

It's coming....
It’s coming….
It's here. Super high winds and heavy rain
It’s here. Super high winds and heavy rain

Luckily it didn’t last long and passed within 20 minutes and the sun came out again. I was so drained and emotionally exhausted from my day that I ended up falling asleep in my chair in the most awkward position with my feet kinked and propped up on the ledge and the sun shining right in my eyes. How one falls asleep like this I’m not sure…

When I woke up I made dinner

Tilapia with avocado, zucchini and green beans
Tilapia with avocado, zucchini and green beans

Then I cleaned up a little bit and started a workout! Yes it was 9pm at night by then, but NO excuses! Had to get it done. I started with a little chest and tricep work upstairs in my apartment using these bands I bought a while back

Resistance bands. targets the muscles in a new way!
Resistance bands. targets the muscles in a new way!

Then I headed to my apartment gym for a treadmill session and more tricep work.

To make the time go by faster I downloaded season 1 of Scandal while I did my incline work. I’ve heard wonderful things about this show, but never got around to starting it. I was hooked within the first 15 minutes. I just love Olivia! Strong, independent, intelligent women ROCK! Plus I love the way she dresses. I will probably knock out all the episodes this weekend.

Watching scandal and doing my incline work. I was sweating like crazy. Up to the highest incline (15) without holding on! I did 45 minutes and increased by 2 every 5 minutes. Last 10 minutes I maxed out and still didn't hold on. KILLER
Watching scandal and doing my incline work. I was sweating like crazy. Up to the highest incline (15) without holding on! I started at an incline of 2, and increased by 2% every 5 minutes up to 45 minutes. Last 10 minutes I maxed out to 15 and still didn’t hold on. KILLER

This is my PHEW face

Thanks for keeping me company Olivia!
Thanks for keeping me company Olivia!

I also knocked out some pull ups and chin ups using a resistance band

I pull this down with my feet (feet looped inside) to give me assistance for pull-ups! so difficult
I pull this down with my feet (feet looped inside) to give me assistance for pull-ups! so difficult

And posed a little šŸ˜‰

almost 3 weeks of this, seeing changes and feeling AMAZING. My arms are really starting to pop
almost 3 weeks of this, seeing changes and feeling AMAZING. My arms are really starting to pop

After my workout I came back upstairs for a shower and made a crockpot oatmeal for my next 3 days off. I eat oatmeal for meal 1. I love it, but I’ve been getting a little sick of the plain old overnight oats thing. Decided to spice it up a bit! This oatmeal has unsweetened vanilla almond milk, water, cacao powder, PB2 powder, and 1 vanilla bean. PB chocolate oatmeal? Yes please!

PB Choco Oats. I strip the vanilla bean and mix it in, then drop the leftover bean in there for extra flavor. Just take out in AM.
PB Choco Oats. I strip the vanilla bean and mix it in, then drop the leftover bean in there for extra flavor. Just take out in AM.

I have to say I’m really happy it’s the weekend. I’ve had a lot on my mind these past few days at work and it’s nice to separate from the stress sometimes. Trying to enjoy my days off. Work will be there Monday!

Have a great day šŸ˜€

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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