Sunday Like It’s Saturday

Hi Everyone!

On Sunday we had a “Saturday”. Our Saturdays consist of gym time, maybe an errand or two, and a nice dinner out.

This time we got up bright and early with our good friends from the gym, Hannah and Kurt, and went to the farmers market in Baltimore.


This is not just any old farmers market. It’s HUGE. They have everything including beautiful produce, jewelry, dog treats, perfumes (which I did get a lovely scent), and more goodies!



Hannah and Tony had some sausage, but I passed on the meats. Carved hot meat doesn’t really appeal to me. I guess I was the only one because we waited in line a good half hour.


I settled for an AWESOME wasabi pickle on a stick. Can’t go wrong there 😉


The best spot in the market was the mini donut place. FRESH, hot, miniature donuts that you could do your own toppings.


Tony let me take care of the toppings. I went for the honey glaze, powdered sugar, a little white chocolate drizzle, and YOU GUESSED IT… SPRINKLES!


I had one. Only one.


It was the best donut I’ve ever had. Now I get the appeal of this place. We will be going back for a box for sure.

It was a beautiful morning and we had a great time walking around.


We knew we had dinner later that night at Abbey Burger so I tried to be good all day. THIS is what happened at dinner.


That would be a YAK burger. Yes, YAK. It tasted like a saltier bison. This is our favorite burger place and they always have a meat of the month that’s a little out there. I normally will stick to the basics, but I love bison and the waiter said it was pretty good. It was! We load our burgers up with whatever we want. That’s the great thing about this place, it’s all customized. You could potentially make a $50 burger, but I’m not sure how you’d eat it. Crab dip and pulled pork is even an option on top. I didn’t go too out there, but added an egg this time and it was delicious! Extra pickles for me always 🙂

If any Marylanders out there are interested it’s in Fed Hill, but they also put one in Ocean City. I HIGHLY recommend, but be prepared to wait a little on a weekend night.


Our night treat I knew exactly where I wanted to go. THE CANDY STORE.


Oh the happiness on my face. I love all things candy, gummy, and sour. Tony HATES all this stuff, but that’s more for me that I don’t have to share. 😉


I obviously loaded up. If you look in that bag you will see this…


Tony spotted it. That’s a SPRINKLE gummy bear. I couldn’t believe it. Dream treat.


Almost too cute to eat!

We had such a good weekend, it was hard to see it go, but tomorrow is already Friday! My days are long, but I do enjoy them. I know the weekend is around the corner to enjoy more time with my guy again.

I’m hoping to have a new recipe up tomorrow or Saturday for you guys. I have the baking itch right now, so let’s see what I come up with today! Anyone craving anything?

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,






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