The Coyotes, They Sing in the Park

If you don’t recognize my title, it’s from a Jason Mraz song. I absolutely love Jason. He’s one of my favorite singers. Whenever I’m down or feeling blue, I turn Jason on and he makes everything better. He sings about love, happiness, and being good to one another. So what’s better than that?

I’ve had the pleasure of seeing Jason live a few times and he never has disappointed!

Great show!

Anyway, the purpose of the coyotes is well… Phoebe is starting to turn into one!

I’ve mentioned before Phoebe is a pomeranian and with this particular breed, they start with baby fuzz, “blow out” after a few months, and then slowly start to grow an adult coat.

Phoebs is in the blow out phase and she really is losing all her fur! My family had a pomeranian growing up (Little Du) and she did this, but not to this extreme. Shelby Ann also blew out, but again, still looked like a dog.

Let’s do a little before and after fun with Shelby Ann (she’s 2)


So tiny!


Losing all her baby fuzz!


Beautiful adult coat!

Now we go on to Phoebe… love her to death (you guys know this), but she looks like one of those mangy coyotes that you see and run from


I’m a cute little fuzz ball!


Legs for days
Looking patchy

I know Phoebe will grow a big beautiful cream coat. We just have to give it time 😉

My gym workout was a no lifting day. I focus on cardio, endurance, and abs on Wednesday’s. I did spin class, and got a little blog shout out (Thanks Carter!)

I was also rocking the palm tree pony. As you see, I just threw my hair up in a bun, and it looked like a crazy palm tree!

I love this lululemon shirt with the thumb holes!

My ab workout was Pilates focused. My plan is to have a YouTube video up this weekend. (Weekend project). It was killer. I do 8 different exercises and 2 rounds of it. Your abs really burn after! So check back for this! I’ll also have it up on my Facebook page as soon as it’s done 🙂

I cooled down with a 10 minute arc trainer session, some stretching…

and went home to little Wile E. 

We made yummy tofu for dinner, marinated in a mango sauce, with asparagus and brussels sprouts. Pretty darn good!

Sweet and spicy 🙂

For dessert we had a Peanut Butter Banana Parfait— click me for the recipe!

Yum let’s eat! I think Elvis would approve of this snack. I LOVE Elvis!

Doesn’t that just scream delicious? I think so!

Tomorrow is going to be my second attempt at going to the new Wegman’s. The first time didn’t go so well. Too crowded! But I’ll give it one more shot…

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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