The Start of Peak Week
Good Morning Fit Family!
I’m so sorry I have been astray, but as you know things are crazy around here and my show date is so close! I am OFFICIALLY ONE WEEK OUT!
As long as this entire process has been, and as hard as it has been on me physically and mentally, at the same time I sit here thinking ‘wow seems like I was just typing my announcement post!” That was 8 weeks ago.
So what have you missed this week? Nothing major. Just work, gym, eat, pass out.
At work I went for a walk to the gift shop with a co-worker one day and came across a glorious wall of salty snacks. I wanted to EAT THEM ALL!
Ms. Pac Man
On Thursday, as the last hour of work came to a close I felt the excitement as it was my last super tough workout after a long shift at work. I do work Monday, but gym sessions are shorter now.
I felt extremely proud of myself that I was able to do this. A little in disbelief too. I get up at 4:30 to get to work at 6:00am, work till 4:30, then I would go to the gym and I didn’t get home until close to 8:00pm. Taking care of business, Phoebe, meal prepping, etc., then finally getting to bed around 12 or 12:30. How the heck did I do it for 12 weeks? Not sure, BUT I DID!
Always trying to pump myself up before a gym session!
My good friend Patricia came back to Maryland too! We met when I first started my job last year and she was one of the medical students. Smarty pants that one! She was the one who took me to hot yoga, and that was the only time I went, whoops!
She’s also coming to my show, so happy to have her there
I wish Phoebe could come
Look how adorable she is eating her peas.
Okay it looks like she hates them, but she actually loves them, just a funny shot.
Yesterday I stocked up on things I need for peak week. This would just include loads of tilapia and asparagus….
My friends this week.
And also things like my exfoliators, body washes, and wipes so I’m ready for that oopma loompa tan! I’m actually really looking forward to the tan because it makes muscles look so much better. It’s the final piece of the puzzle.
Sorry this blog was basically a bunch of RANDOM thoughts from my past week, but this is how my brain has been running lately. Did I mention yesterday going to Wegman’s after an oil change I was daydreaming and ended up taking the exit to my apartment before realizing ‘wait a second I’m not going home’. Yep, that happened. BIKINI BRAIN! A little 10 minute detour I guess
Today is my dress rehearsal class with my posing coach. The last time I’ll be able to practice things with someone critiquing it! I’m part of an amazing team and we all support one another. It’s so nice being able to talk to people going through the process, because as much as I can tell people about it, it’s hard to fully grasp unless you’ve gone through it. It’s the same with anything difficult.
I’m hoping to update a few more times before show day, but I have stuff crammed on my schedule every single day!
7 days out!
XOXO With a Cherry On Top,
Aahh can’t believe its only one week to go. You have come such a long way, I am very proud of the hard work you have put into the last 12 or so weeks, its been hard but worth it. Once its finished, treat yourself to a nice meal and just relax! All the best, Tam x
Thanks so much Tam! I have come SUPER far. I looked at pics from day one and couldn’t believe all the changes I’ve made. Wahoo!
Chelsea @ A Fit LittleOne
I can’t not wait to hear about the days leadin up!!! This is jut so exciting to me!! And one week left??? I can’t believe it’s already here. It’s crazy. I can see the changes in your body, and you’re going to do so great girl!!!
Thanks Chels! 6 days to go and I can say remember when I hit my head and decided to be half naked on stage in a glitter bikini? lol!
Please don’t take this the wrong way…I always thought bikini competitors lived in the gym, never had a gram of sugar or craved sugar, were always in competition shape, and quite frankly too muscular to be normal. Thanks for sharing your journey and being so real about it! I have a WHOLE new respect and view of bikini competitors! It has been awesome following you and seeing you work so hard to get where your at…you look AWESOME! My view of bikini competitors has totally changed, it was very cool to see a normal person work hard and prep for a major goal. Good luck this upcoming week and at the competition, I am positive you will rock it!!
Well I have to say it’s NOT EASY! And I did live in the gym most the time when I wasn’t working! I guess it comes across easier on the web? lol. And I was pretty strict with my diet but not too strict. Hard work pays off though
Thanks for following and changing your views!
one week! eeek! i feel butterflies, and i’m not even the one competing lol. thank you so much for sharing your journey. i have to agree with “heather” from above. you have completely changed my perspective about bikini comps. there were only competitive body builders at my old gym (guys and gals), so there was always this stigma when the word “bikini comp” was mentioned. i never knew just how tough bikini comp training was until you began posting about your training. you are seriously an inspiration.
Thanks Ariel! It’s been quite the journey,but so glad I did it and proud of myself for following through
I cannot believe it..time has went by so fast!! So excited for you. You look so awesome!! You’re gonna rock it!
Thank you Amy. I’m ready to go!
I am following you for a while now and I am really excited what you will say next week after your show! You can be so extremely proud of you! Coincidentally I am training for a half that will be on the same day as your show. I’ll cross my fingers for you whilst running
Thanks girl! Good luck on your half marathon! That’s awesome
Annie W
Hi Katie! I have been following your blog for some time now. You have come so far and I am so excited for your upcoming competition. I wish you the best of luck. I hope you have a wonderful time this upcoming weekend! Can’t wait to hear all about it!
Thank you so much Annie! I will have a full blog up after the show
I just stumbled across your blog after googling “peak week” (I am one week out from my first NPC Bikini show) and I am SO glad I did! Great blog, I look forward to following you! Thanks for sharing your bikini comp journey, I love hearing from other competitors and knowing I’m not alone when it comes to those rough days!!
Thanks so much! Let me know how you do on your show and HAPPY PEAK WEEK!