Things I Love Thursday

Dear Weekend,

Do you hear me calling you? Because I’ve been asking for you to get here since Monday at 5am. You are so close to arriving and I am eagerly anticipating your arrival.  Please arrive on time!

Okay now that I’ve been super formal… back to regular stuff.

I’ve been crazy busy with work lately, so gym time has not been where it should be lately. A lot of bloggers do this thing called “Friday Faves”, but I break rules.. so I’m doing it on a Thursday.

Things I Love Thursday. Just go with it 😉

And FYI these are all ‘lately’ types of things.

Carrie Underwoods new song. It’s very empowering and she sings about strength. Love her.


These Pomeranians I found online… especially the one that looks identical to Phoebe Buffay 😉

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Smart Waters. It’s how I track my daily intake. 4 of these equals a gallon.

Smoothie Nights


Chocolate Almonds. I cannot get enough!

Soy milk in coffee. Especially my 5:30 am runs to the Starbucks outside my apartment. I actually tried creamer for the first time in weeks the other day and I gagged. It tasted so artificial! Bleh


Not obsessing over X amount of weeks out. When I’m ready to compete I’ll know. Right now I’m not ready mentally.


My new suit. I know I just said I’m not sure when my next show is. I do know I WILL compete. And I love my new suit that just arrived. I want to wait until the time is right to wear this on stage 🙂 Sneak Peak… it’s stunning!


Blueberries. In case you missed my Vegan Cheesecake!


Using the finger emoji and using it in person… I’ve been told it’s my signature


My creeper shield hat. It’s worn every day. I need a new one!


My latest giveaway! Don’t forget you have one day left to enter to win a Fabletics outfit of your choice! ENTER HERE!



I hope you all have a great day! I have such a fun weekend ahead! Tomorrow I head to the DC Zoo! Yay 😀

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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  1. Chelsea @ A Fit LittleOne

    Love the new bikini!! And you’re right, when the time is right you’ll know, and then everything will go good :). And yay for the DC zoo, have fun 🙂

  2. tamsin

    Love a night smoothie pudding! So yummy before bed. Have great day. Tam 🙂

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