Things That Plug In Are Not My Friends
I really had a case of the Monday’s yesterday. Not only was my blog server down the night before, which erased my entire entry, but then I came home after already being mad from work, to a fridge that buzzed, a food processor that split in half, followed by a broken fridge. WONDERFUL. I know I told you guys I would update in the evening but literally everything around me was breaking and I was mentally breaking.
It was one of those days where you just need to sit in a corner, take a few deep breaths and wish it was the weekend.
I decided to be a nice PA and make my resident friends some cupcakes I have been promising them. They were homemade chocolate chip cookie dough cupcakes! I’m not used to baking real stuff, so when they turned out extremely fluffy I was worried… but I dropped them off in the morning in their lounge with a note saying for my lovely surgical residents, love K squared (what some of them call me). I made 2 dozen, plenty for them and some of the students.

My work day started in the OR. I powered through meal #1 at 8:05 and ran to my case.

Well I didn’t get out until close to 1pm. By that time I’m usually on meal #3 and almost done my water, but I hadn’t touched it because I couldn’t use the bathroom.
When I came back from my case and into the resident lounge, I saw one lonely cupcake and was shocked. One of the students sent me a text saying can I please have one? I know they are supposed to be for the residents, but they look so good. Of course I said yes, but had no idea they ate all of them but one. WELL, to my surprise a bunch of the internal medicine residents ate them! I was extremely mad, because I don’t even know them, nor do they even know who I am. As I am sitting there one girl walked in, opened them, then just helped herself to the last one. I’m a pretty forward person so I said “that one is saved”. She looked at me, continued to hold it and rolled her eyes. Then I said “um excuse me that is saved, it’s the last one”. She still held it and went to take a bite. Then I yelled at her “put it down, I made those, and you clearly did not read the note that they are not for you”. Okay some people may think I went a little far, because we ended up fighting, but it’s almost like stealing someone’s lunch in the fridge. It’s not like I left them on a table that said ENJOY TAKE ME! They said only for surgical residents. It reminded me of the Friends episode where someone eats Ross’ leftover Thanksgiving sandwich and he is forced to leave his job temporarily for his rage. “Myyyyyyy saaaaandwich!”. That was totally me yesterday š

And yes, then I told the medical student to take it. Let’s just say this medicine resident and I are not going to end up best friends for life after that little episode.
As I read over this, I realize I sound a tad ridiculous, but I worked VERY hard on these cupcakes and they were for my co-workers! How rude.
Anyway, yesterday I was in my old scrubs from my labor and delivery days. This was probably the best part of the day. These scrubs were what everyone used to call “club scrubs”, because they were so tight on everyone it was only something you would wear to a club. No one could wear them. Well towards the end of my baby delivering days, I could wear them, but they were a little tight still. I wore them yesterday and they were actually loose! So amazing. Made me realize how far I’ve come!

The rest of my afternoon went fast and I was ready to hit the gym. It was biceps and triceps, but the gym was insanely crowded. I wanted to do the stairmaster, but every time I tried to use one, all full! Ugh. So I made do and used the arc trainer but did sprints on it at a high resistance and incline. It was definitely tough. I did 20 minutes worth and burned 300 calories. That’s killer and super fast for me!
Here was my strength training workout:
- Bicep curls, 30 lb bar, 10 reps x 4 sets
- Bent over bicep row (underhand grip), 12 reps x 4 sets
- Tricep kickbacks, 20 lbs each hand, 12 reps x 4 sets
- Hammer curls, 15 lb weights, 12 reps x 4 sets

- Tricep pushups on bench (elbows in tight), 10 reps x 4 sets
- Uppercut punches, 15 lb weights, alternating 10 reps x 4 sets
- Tricep pullovers lying on bench, 30 lb bar. Start with a ribcage press, push up to ceiling, go back into skull crusher and back into ribcage press. 10 reps x 3 sets (1 continuous motion)
- I did the above and went right into ribcage presses, 10 reps x 3 sets, then 8 sets of pulses down. Alternate each of these 3 exercises!Ā
- Tricep pulldown, single arm cable, 35-40 lbs, 10-12 reps x 4 sets each arm
- Sideways bicep curls, 12-15 lbs, 12 reps x 6 sets

- Overhead tricep extension, 12 lb weight, 12 reps x 4 sets each arm
- Burpees, 10 reps x 3 sets
- Captains V Crunch, 10 reps x 3 sets to the front, 10 reps x 2 sets to the sides

I went home to that awful buzzing from my fridge, followed by my food processor splitting in half from a fluff, and then the fridge not working at all. Pretty much my whole night was me waiting for maintenance. Eventually they got it to cool, but it will have to be switched out soon.
My dinner was me picking at things I had in the fridge because I was dealing with this all night. I really don’t even know what I ate. Whatever I could get my hands on I devoured.
It was not a fun Monday for me at all, and I’m glad to say goodbye to this day. I felt bad because Phoebe barely got any attention today. Here’s a few pics from Sunday of the girls. My Dad and I walked them!

I REALLY hope Tuesday is better than Monday. Work wasn’t even my problem this time, it was all the other stuff I had to deal with! Come on Tuesday, don’t fail me!

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,
Do what you want girl! It’s your body! P.S. you look awesome, keep it up!
Thank You Brandy!
Chelsea @ LittleOneRuns
I understand the cupcake thing, don’t blame you either for getting upset at that girl. I would have! She and all the others who ate them were rude to do that! I hope your Tuesday is better!!! To be honest, I can’t really tell, your arms maybe look a tad smaller.
Thanks, I was starting to think I was a little craaaaazy lol. I know you probably can’t tell in pictures, but when you look at your own body every single day you notice things! Maybe I’m the crazy one? lol
Sarah C
Your not crazy. I woulda done the same thing to that girl! Don’t mess with food, especially food that I worked hard to make!
Hahaha thanks Sarah! I knew you would side with me on this one! š
Sarah C
Absolutely! 100%!!