This is How a Heart Beats

Good Morning! I have to say I got ready yesterday morning at lightening speed. I woke up at my normal time, 4:30, and I actually thought “huh, I’m not that tired”. Well I guess my body thought something different, because the next thing I know I woke up with my cell in my hand at 5:15! WHAT!?

I jumped out of bed, chugged a half cup of coffee, did a 2 minute blog edit, and ran out the door. I have to be out at 5:30. I’m not sure how I did it, but I did! To top things off it was POURING, but I was on time for work 🙂 Although I forgot to brush my hair!

So I did a little challenge for myself yesterday. I wore my heart rate monitor from the time my shift started (6am), to the time I woke up this morning. So just about 24 hours! Of course I took it off to shower when I got back from the gym.

I wanted to get an idea of what my body regularly burns. We are constantly burning calories, it’s not just in the gym! A calorie is an energy form, so how much energy am I running on?

I almost wished I would have picked a day where there were more patients on the top floor of the hospital. I love taking the steps all the way up. I did it once yesterday after lunch to check a few charts, but didn’t have to go up there for the rest of the day.

To start my morning, I was rushing to make it to rounds and ran up the stairs. Here was my heart rate!

My heart rate running up those few flights of stairs!
My heart rate running up those few flights of stairs!- Sorry a tad blurry, Skinny Minnie was on the MOVE!

After morning rounds I burned…

133 cals! It wasn't a super hectic list, but still not a bad burn
133 cals! It wasn’t a super hectic list, but still not a bad burn

I definitely double fisted my coffee in morning meetings

Cup 1 of 2. Not Starbucks, but I shouldn't complain since it's free
Cup 1 of 2. Not Starbucks, but I shouldn’t complain since it’s free
about 4 hours into work!
about 4 hours into work!

And hair still a mess, although I was smiling 🙂

Smiling burns calories too!
Smiling burns calories too!

I was even happier when lunch rolled around!

Homemade Spaghetti squash with truffle chicken sausage! Yum!
Homemade Spaghetti squash with truffle chicken sausage! Yum!

Recipe will be coming soon…. 🙂

The end of the day came pretty fast and I headed to the gym. Here was my calorie burn before I started working out:

Wow look at all I burn during the day just walking around! Cool huh?
Wow look at all I burn during the day just walking around! Cool huh?

I started my gym routine with 30 minutes on the elliptical/stair combo machine. Then onto arms I went. It was SO hot in the gym too. I was really sweating my entire workout. I felt like I flew through arms at warped speed. My mission was to get in and out quickly!

  • Uppercut punches with 15lb kettles, 12 reps alternating x 4 sets
  • Tricep kickbacks with 15lb kettles, 12 reps x 4 sets
  • Bicep curls with 30 lb bar, 12 reps x 4 sets
  • Tricep skull crushers with 30 lb bar, 12 reps x 4 sets
  • Bicep push forwards with 30 lb bar, 12 reps x 3 sets
  • Tricep ribcage press with 30 lb bar, 12 reps x 3 sets
  • Tricep pushdown using cable, 50-60lbs, 12 reps x 4 sets
  • Bicep curls using cable, 40lbs, 12 reps x 4 sets
  • Tricep overhead extension with 25 lb plate, 10 reps x 3 sets
  • Bicep curls with 25 lb plate, 12 reps x 3 sets

I also did some pushups on the bosu ball, 10 reps x 3 sets, and oblique standing crunches holding a 12 lb kettle, 12 reps x 2 sets each side. Threw in some bosu squats for fun too. Pretty sure I did 12 reps x 4 sets.

Ended with 10 minutes on the stairmaster and then some stretching!

About 500 calories burned at the gym! Not bad for a little over an hour!
About 500 calories burned at the gym! Not bad for a little over an hour!

At home I made a yummy dinner of Tuna steak marinated in a few drops of soy sauce and then seasoned with a no salt seasoning blend (some kind of “fiesta” mix), broccoli, and petite shanghai (these are little cabbages, like baby bok choy!)

Little cabbages! I found these at Wegmans
Little cabbages! I found these at Wegmans
Dinner! How cute is the baby bok choy?
Dinner! How cute are the little cabbages? I just roasted them out of pure laziness!

My dessert is also my recipe for the day, it’s also the letter I! I is for ice cream cakies! (cake meets a cookie=cakie). Sounded cute in my head!

Dessert. Why yes please
Dessert? Why yes please

Something a little different! Phoebe loved the actual cakie, sorry for those out there that think dogs should not get people food. I let her try everything I eat that is puppy friendly!

Towards the end of the night I was a little more sedentary, so the calorie burn slowed, but it still happened!

End of the night! About an hour before bed time
End of the night! About an hour before bed time

And when I woke up at 4:30 again…

Just shy of 24 hours
Just shy of 24 hours

550 calories while you are sleeping folks! I slept around 5 and a half hours last night (I know still not enough, but only so many hours in a day)

My fat burn was 66%! Now I don’t feel as guilty about the peanut butter! 😉

I like those numbers!
I like those numbers!

I took it off right after this. Sleeping with the strap on was a tad annoying, but I wanted to see what happens when I sleep! Experiment complete 🙂

Bottom line: WE BURN ALL DAY LONG!

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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  1. Allison

    Isn’t it interesting to see those stats? I have a heart rate monitor as well, and I totally agree with what you said about not having to feel guilty about the peanut butter, haha. It’s important to remember that we’re burning calories 24/7!

  2. Chelsea @ LittleOneRuns

    love this!! totally want to get me a heart rate watch now, i’m pretty interested in seeing what i burn!

  3. Amber

    What is the name of your watch? I want one!

    1. Katie

      For everyone else that wants to know its a polar FT 60. You can still get it at amazon!

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