Wednesday Thoughts

Hi everyone!

Happy Wednesday to you. Thank you for all the well wishes on my new adventure in life with Tony. Buying a house definitely started to sink in… probably for the worst because I am extremely hard on myself. There has been panic and tons of tears because frankly all this stuff scares me. As I said before I’ve been told this is a totally normal feeling, however it’s not so much the payment I’m worried about…


Here’s the thing about me. I like to feel smart. I like to feel like I have my life together and I know what’s going on. I pride myself in education and my work ethic, and consider myself an intelligent person. When it comes to the words mortgage, loan officers, and interest rate…. I say “say what now”. 

I’m 30 years old and I’ve come to the realization I know nothing about real life. It scares the heck out of me. I’ve always been considered “the smart one” but I’m absolutely lost when it comes to all these terms. I was always in an apartment, so I guess I shouldn’t be so hard on myself. I mean really how would I learn these things if I’ve never bought a house? However, it makes me feel incredibly small and inadequate. Thank goodness for my Mom and Dad, especially my Dad for being so patient and helping Tony and I through this process. We couldn’t do it without you guys. 🙂

I’m hoping my brain starts to process this all a little bit better and things start to click. It’s an exciting time for us and I don’t want to look back and think “why was I so freaked out?”.

Anyway, because of all the stress I decided to take a rest day after work yesterday. I was tired, my brain was fried, and it started to take a toll on me physically as well. I had to say “Ok Katie slow it down for a day”. 

I did however take a stroll over to my old stomping grounds on Monday. My “old” Golds gym where I previously worked out before it got too crowded. It’s a bit smaller, but this one is closer to our new house. It’ll be perfect for when I need to hit a workout after work and I need to get in and out within the hour. By 8pm I’m assuming it won’t be so crowded.


Today is a busy day for us as we have all those scary terms to deal with in a meeting… I’m hoping to kill the gym this afternoon. I’m gonna need some willpower and some de-stressing!

Have a great Wednesday!

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,



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  1. Evylyn Brown

    I know the feeling! When we bought our house I felt like and idiot whenever I talked to our realtor or mortgage broker, simply because I didn’t understand the jargon. Remember, most people buying houses are in exactly the same boat as you. Ask questions! You can bet that most people buying a home have the exact same questions.

    1. Katie

      Thanks Evylyn. Good to know I’m not alone.

  2. Raquel

    HI Katie! I’ve been following your blog for a little while now. I just wanted to send my best wishes on your new journey with Tony! I’ve worked in real estate for 15 years now and trust me, its best you ask questions when you don’t understand something but don’t freak out! This is why you have a team of people you hire; your lender, your real estate agent & builder are all working for you. If you have any questions make sure to ask. Lending rules have changed so much that as soon as you apply for your loan you will start getting plenty of paperwork which will help you understand everything clearly so don’t fret. Soon enough you’ll become familiarized with everything and will start feeling more comfortable with it all. It is jargon you’re not familiar with just yet but once you have keys to your new place and you start moving in, all the stress will be well worth it!

    1. Katie

      Thank You Raquel! I am MUCH better now that all that scary stuff is over lol. And I have been asking tons of questions and researching things. Thank you for reading 🙂

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