Our Crazy Halloween

Hi everyone.

I’m obviously kidding here with the title of my blog. While I would have loved to dress up and spend hours on makeup and a costume, I frankly haven’t had the time for anything like that lately. Tony and I spent our Saturday going over to our new “house”, taking pictures, and testing the waters with Phoebe.

As I told you before our area is just grass, so really we went over to the model homes, but it’ll be a similar set up, just different colors. It’s no surprise here that I’m one of those TYPE A people that has to look at every little detail. In two weeks we get to pick out colors, cabinets, floorings, etc. so I needed pictures of walls and a visual in my head before going into that appointment.

We hadn’t made an official decision on our stairs. Hardwood versus carpet. We both love the look of hardwood but it all depended on this little nugget.


Okay let’s see how she does…


Alright, so here she looks like a cat over a bathtub. Paws spread, she’s not sure why we are making her do this. I swear I would never be mean to Phoebe, but we needed to see what she’d do.

We tried putting her on a step… ya know help her get started.




Tony had to carry her.

Let’s try again with carpet…


See those two steps beneath Tony’s feet? She actually climbed those! Success. We also tried putting her halfway up the main stairs. This time she didn’t freeze but she went back down. Hey at least she went down right?

One more college try…


This looks like motion, that she really is climbing. She’s not.

We realized eventually she will get familiar with steps. It’ll take some time. This was not a five minute thing, we stood there A WHILE trying to get her to do it. Phoebe is as stubborn as her mother, so she might have to be carried for a while.

She really did love the deck we will be adding though, she get’s to look at all the birdies!



The fun continued and we went over to the park area and club house. Tony and Phoebe had fun on the slide.


Well, his bodybuilder quads got stuck… and I of course laughed all day about it.


Finally we were able to put up our sold sticker on our lot sign. Things are really happening!



Happy family!


Our evening was gym, and visiting Tony’s family. I sneaked in some Halloween candy with two Life Saver gummies. I’d rather have that over chocolate any day!


I hope you guys had a nice Halloween if you celebrated and got dressed up! I saw some great costumes on instagram and Facebook! Maybe next year for us 🙂

Have a great Monday 🙂

XOX With a Cherry On Top,


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