Wednesday Results

Hi everyone!

Happy Wednesday/Hump Day. Can I get a woot woot?

Okay, you are probably rolling your eyes at me, but I can’t help my excitement. I’m on shift 3 of 3 in a row ( ugh, these are the worst!). Just to give you an idea of my day: I get up at 5:30am, I’m out the door by 6 and I drive about 40 minutes to work. Work a 12 and a half hour shift where I’m on the run all day, another 40 minutes to the gym followed by 75-90 minutes of gym time (notice the excitement on my face after my days). I roll in around 9:30-9:45 eat/shower, pass out and start over.


What I’m trying to get across is that these are MEGA long days, and when I do three in a row I’m so exhausted I can barely do anything else.

However, the light at the end of the tunnel is near and tomorrow Tony and I are off to Seattle!


We talked about this in July and it’s crazy to me the time is already here. Unfortunately you know what comes with me going away, Phoebe being left behind. You guys should know by now I’d never kennel Phoebe. I’d be more likely to kennel myself first. She stays with G-Mama and Pop Pop for 4 to 5 days until we get back. I absolutely hate leaving her because I know she cries when I’m gone and has trouble eating, but I know my parents baby her and treat her like gold. Especially my Dad, oh Phoebe has him wrapped around her little finger… well… paw?

I had so much to do this week with the house, loans, and getting ready for Seattle while working, and to say I’m stressed would be an understatement. Luckily, Tony has a relaxed personality and balances me out, talking me off the cliff when I’m about to lose my cool. I’m so grateful he helps around the home too, one less thing to worry about. He’s a Godsend!


Anyway, back to fitness and health related things. I worked pretty hard these past 30 days trying to lose a few pounds before heading to Seattle. Tony and I are going to enjoy ourselves, but I don’t want to eat everything in sight just because I’m on vacation. One glutinous treat meal and I am horribly sick for 2 days, so eating until I’m satisfied is the plan.

For a while there… I wasn’t watching my calorie intake at all. I ate whatever I wanted. I obviously lost my mind and thought nothing would happen. Well, the pounds piled on. I’m slightly embarrassed to show what happened, but I am going to anyway, because I want to show you guys that you can get back on track in just 30 days. These pictures are exactly 30 days apart.



As you can tell I’m a hip/glute and face gainer… 



I started a 30 challenge in October, but it’s not limited to October. You can do it anytime, for as little or as long as you want. If you’re interested you can purchase HERE.

Don’t keep pushing off your health until tomorrow. All you need is a start and some patience 🙂

That’s it for today. I will have a workout posted for tomorrow!

Have a great day!

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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