October Challenge + Shoulders

Hi everyone!

I’m excited that I have an October Challenge coming at ya! I worked pretty hard on this so I would love if you guys joined me. Basically it’s 30 days of a diet and exercise plan. The diet you will be able to customize yourself, but I give you plenty of ideas and tell you how much to eat. There’s a strict version, but also a looser version for those that are just dieting for the first time or do not want to go as extreme. The choice is yours! The exercise program is INTENSE and lays out specific workouts.

30 days for $30 bucks. I’m pretty much your own personal trainer! You can’t beat it. You can insta-download here 🙂

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I’m starting October 1st, but feel free to get a heads up on me. Or at least read over things and see what we are planning!

Right now, I’m trying to lift my arms. I did shoulders yesterday and did A LOT of lateral and front delt work. I’ll share with you, but WARNING, it hurts 😉

  • Dumbbell front raises, 20 reps x 4 sets
  • Dumbbell side raises, 20 reps x 4 sets
  • Arnold Presses, 15 reps x 4 sets
  • Front raises using the rope cable (goes between your legs, raise up). 20 reps x 4 sets
  • Side cable raises, single arm. 20 reps x 4 sets
  • Shoulder presses, 15 reps x 4 sets
  • Rear delt fly’s, 20 reps x 4 sets
  • Seated shoulder raises, lateral. 15 reps x 4 sets

YIKES! If your shoulders aren’t burning by the end of this, go up in weight! I’m sore today for sure and determined to get my delts poppin’ again 🙂


My challenge is the kick start to finding these babies again!

Have a great Tuesday. Let’s do this!

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,



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  1. Teri

    Hi, interested in your workout program for Oct, but wanted you to expand on “Intense” as i have not worked out on a regular basis in a long time. I want to be sure that I will be able to keep up. Thanks!

  2. Wednesday Results | Skinny Minnie Moves

    […] I started a 30 challenge in October, but it’s not limited to October. You can do it anytime, for as little or as long as you want. If you’re interested you can purchase HERE. […]

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