Weekends End Too Quickly!
The weekend has been flying by way too fast! I feel like it is just beginning and I’m already preparing my work week! Time slow down a bit would ya?
I started my morning off with more coffee with creamer (yay, I missed it!) and a light breakfast. I wasn’t that hungry so I settled for some corn cakes with jam

Phoebe was literally dragging her carrier across the floor in the morning. I quickly took the hint that she was ready for G-Mama’s house, so we went. I guess she makes the rules?
My dad bought me these awesome Super Bowl goodies!

And G-Mama made a lovely pizza

My snack consisted of cucumbers and homemade crackers made out of Garbanzo bean flour! Letter G I had hummus too for dipping!

I then hit the gym for LEG day! I decided to switch up a few things and it felt really good to do something a little different.
I started with a leg warmup:
- bosu squats holding a 25 lb plate, 12 reps x 2 sets
- Elastic band squats (stand on an elastic band with handles, squat against the band, side to side), 10 reps x 3 sets
- Deep squats using the TRX trainer (this uses your body’s own resistance). I literally squat all the way down to the floor and pulled myself back up using the handles

- One leg TRX squats (one leg goes straight through the loop, squat with the other leg), 10 reps x 1 set each leg

Now that my legs were warm, I used the elliptical/stair stepper machine for 30 minutes! I really did long strides on it to get my heart rate up. I think this machine makes me sweat more than the arc trainer, but I guess I also do the arc trainer a lot!

I then hit the Smith machine. I never used it before because it intimidated me. I would always see the big beefy guys using it, and never any women back in that area. Well I decided that was going to change! And guess what? I LOVED IT! I really broke a sweat and my heart was POUNDING. The Smith machine allows you to pile on the weight, but gives you assistance so it’s easier on the knees. The bar alone weighs about 45 lbs, but differs from gym to gym, so once you stack the weights, you are squatting A LOT! Definitely a different kind of squat, but a great squat
Now here’s my killer leg workout: (when I say “extra lbs” that’s NOT including the bar!)
- Smith machine squats with 70 extra lbs, 12 reps x 4 sets
- Smith machine Plie squats with 70 extra lbs, 15 reps x 4 sets
- Smith machine squats holding the bar in front of you (instead of on shoulders), 50 extra lbs, 10 reps x 4 sets
- Smith machine Hack squats (bar behind you at ankles, pick it up overhand grip and squat up and down- these are hard!), 20 extra lbs, 8 reps x 4 sets

- Calf raises, 50 lbs, 12 reps x 4 sets

- Good morning hamstrings. Place a weighted bar on shoulders (I did 40 lbs). Legs straight, bend from the waist with slight arch in back. Come back up. 12 reps x 4 sets
- Curtsy lunges. 12 lb kettle bell in hand, 12 reps x 4 sets each leg
Also did my in between exercises: torso twists, oblique standing crunches, and side bends
I hit 15 more minutes on the elliptical and stretched it out really good!

My legs were SHAKING by the end!

At home Phoebe and I watched some old DVD’s

It’s funny, as I was going through G-Mama’s cabinet (literally hundreds of DVDs) she said to me “why don’t you re-watch Newlyweds so you can see how much Jess has changed”, meanwhile it was already in my hands! I haven’t watched it in over 10 years. We are so alike
Phoebe also played around a bit

Hopefully I can make it to the gym again today. I probably won’t do as long of a session since these past 2 days I hit it hard!
Oh and Grammy’s are tonight! I’m not a huge fan of the red carpet because there isn’t much glamour, but I still watch. Remember the days when Joan Rivers would host the Grammy red carpet and she didn’t know who anyone was? She would just say “oh and YOU! YOU! look fabulous!” Cracked me up. And one year she called Mariah Carey fat… oh boy! Not cool. Anyway, I will be watching the show tonight of course because the man of my teenage dreams is performing, Mr. Timberlake! Can’t wait
Have a good Sunday
XOXO With a Cherry On Top,
Hannah @ CleanEatingVeggieGirl
A recipe for homemade crackers?? That is so awesome. I totally want to give those a try!
Yes Ma’am! I ate them at my moms yesterday and she sent me a text this morning saying “I thought you bought those at wegmans!” lol totally a compliment! Try ’em they are good!