What’s Happening Lately

Hey everyone 🙂

Happy Autumn! Can you believe it’s that time of year already? Seems as if we didn’t even have a summer! Fall is the best time of year and NO not for the pumpkin spice lattes. I have to say I’m one of the few women that doesn’t go crazy over them. I hate anything pumpkin flavored and it seems each year the explosion gets worse. Pumpkin M&Ms, pumpkin oreos, pumpkin gum. Funny thing is not one of these things has the ACTUAL FLAVOR OF PUMPKIN IN IT! It’s all artificial…

I do love fall boots and scarves. Last year I pretty much added a new scarf to my wardrobe every other week. I couldn’t help myself. I’d get a new one and my friend Mary would say ‘why am I not surprised’.

So away go the iced coffees, time to move back to hot for the season. This past weekend I did enjoy an iced coffee with soy because it was about 80 degrees in Maryland.


Yep, that’s G-Mama’s name. I really just wanted to be her that day 😉

I wish I could say that was the only thing I bought this weekend, but I couldn’t resist the new fall line from Lululemon. I live in their “wunder under” pants and they had them in a beautiful dark red, kind of a red wine color. You know I had to get a top to go with it… 😉

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For some reason I had a great gym session the day I wore it too. I mean REALLY GREAT. I guess that outfit gave me super powers!

Tuesday I was dragging a bit, but once I got in the swing of things I was able to add in some different moves to my leg day. Here’s a little 3 move superset I highly reccomend.

  • Deep bosu squats for 12
  • Stability ball hamstring curls for 10
  • Stability ball pelvic thrusts/hip bridges for 8



I did this at the end of my workout, 4 times without stopping. My heart was racing and legs were on fire! What a way to finish.


Wednesday’s workout wasn’t top notch either, but you can’t beast them all. I just make sure I atleast look the part. Gym clothes get me in the gym!



I’ve really grown my arms. I attribute that “armpit pump”— I know it sounds weird, but that’s what I call it 😉 to the heavy chest days I did these past few months! It definitely paid off. So ladies if you want that look, DO CHEST DAY AND GO HEAVY!

I would like to end by asking if anyone else out there has watched the Fault in Our Stars? I realize this movie was a teen craze, so you know me, I had to see what it was all about. I mean obviously I knew what it was about and what happens… but wow what a great movie!

If you haven’t seen it, get your tissues ready kids 😉


But this one ends up putting a smile on my face every time!


We love each other 😀


Have a great Thursday!

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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  1. Lisa @ Life as Lisa Knows It

    I agree – Fall is absolutely the best time of year! I LOVE the Fall! 🙂

    1. Katie

      Yep!!!! Best fashion season 🙂

  2. Chelsea @ A Fit LittleOne

    I agree! I don’t go crazy for all the pumpkin things that come out. I get excited because I get to make healhty pumpkin things :). Plus I really just get excited for the weather haha. Ah I’ve been wanting to see that movie! But I really want to read the book first { I pretty much refuse to see a movie until I read the book, if there is a book – it’s my OCD-ness }. And I know what you mean! sometimes those new pieces of workout clothes, just make or break a day! Love the wine red on you! Have a great Friday 🙂

    1. Katie

      I just saw your IG posts with the pumpkin pancakes lol

  3. Sara

    Those wunder unders are soo cute! I love the color of them! I have that striped tank too and it’s super comfortable/cute. I went to see Fault in Our Stars with my sister at the theater and I was the only one crying haha. Have a great Thursday!!

    1. Katie

      Thanks Sara! How were you the only one crying!? Or maybe we are babies??? lol I balled!

  4. Janessa

    I am not a fan of the PSL either or anything pumpkin except decorations lol. I did put some pumpkin into a brownie recipe ones but I couldn’t even taste it so it was fine. Love those new Lulu tights. That color is great.

    1. Katie

      I tried putting pumpkin in brownies once to make it lower carb and I could taste it. Bleh. Maybe I added too much

  5. tamsin

    Absolutely loved both the book and the film of The Fault In Our Stars. I highly recommend John Green books if you liked that one. Tam 🙂

    1. Katie

      I downloaded the book but never got around to reading it, definitely going to give them all a shot now. Thanks!

  6. amyt

    Well…I’m glad it’s not just me – I thought I was the only girl in America that didn’t like pumpkin. I really have wanted to…that’s all I hear. Gahhh I’ve tried to like it, I just can’t!!! I just do not care for it. BTW – love that top!

    1. Katie

      Haha I know. I’ve tried. MULTIPLE occasions. I’m like okay I’m a woman, it’s fall, I feel forced to like it! I CANNOT!

  7. Dawn

    I’m just like you when it comes to fall. Forget all the pumpkin flavors and give me some new boots! Boots are the reason for the season.

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