Winner and a Sinfully Good Treat

Good Morning everyone! Yesterday I spent the ENTIRE day in my kitchen filming a new video! It was definitely worth it because this recipe is probably my new favorite.

Plus it’s holiday themed!

Here’s what most don’t know about videos. After spending all day filming, then editing, it takes HOURS to finalize a project (5 to be exact for 20 minutes worth) and then another 3 or so to upload it to Youtube. Wow! Luckily all this took place overnight, so when I woke up this morning it was complete 🙂

Here are some pictures from my day yesterday:


The name of the treat. I call them Skinny Minnie Sinfuls, because they are healthy, but so good they are sinful!


My outfit for the video! Holiday attire 🙂


My elf!



Pretty huh!?


I have to tell you guys, I have a BLAST doing this. It’s definitely made for me. Time flies, and the creative juices come out full force. Plus I put a lot of hard work into it and I think it shows. Go big or go home, and DREAM BIG!

After shooting I took the fluffer for a walk and it was really darn cold! I think it didn’t reach above 20 degrees in Maryland yesterday. Phoebe cried to go in.


She was happy to be in the warmth


Later I meal prepped using my new 3 tier steamer! I love it.


Of course Friends in the background 😉

Sorry for making you wait… here is the video!

And Congratulations to Gina, the winner of the Sock Guy give away! Her winning comment: “I am obsessed with sweet potatoes so the mashed sweet taters are always my favorite. And the socks are seriously adorable!”. Gina check your inbox, I will be e-mailing you soon. Thanks to all that entered 🙂

Have a great Monday!

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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  1. Chelsea @ A Fit LittleOne

    Girl you can pull off red lipstick so well!!! And I know once I’m on break I will defiantly be sitting down and watching your videos!! Those Sinfuls look great!!

    1. Katie

      Oh my god, learn to spell DEFINITELY

      1. Katie

        Play nice gals! 🙂 simple mistake!

    2. Katie

      And thank u Chelsea! You are always so sweet!

  2. ariel

    you are so freaking cute! phoebe too of course.

    love the holiday ensemble. isn’t chalkboard art the greatest? maybe it’s just me, but i adore it. and those Skinny Minnie Sinfuls, yup those are now on my list of treats to make asaps haha.

    i had never heard of or seen a three-layer steamer. it’s brilliant! might slip that only my christmas wish list. 😉

  3. Angie

    Veggie steamers are the best!! Mine is only two tiers though haha. Your red lipstick looks awesome too 🙂

    1. Katie

      Yes, super convenient and easy!

  4. Kathy

    Hi Katie! I came across your website while trying to research the proper way to lose weight (I have 100 lbs to lose). You have a very motivational site. I will definitely come here when I need motivation. Your recipes look great as well! I will have to give these sinfuls a try! I do have an off-topic question though, you mention that you use casein powder in your video. I was just curious as to what brand you buy? I am trying to incorporate protein powders in my diet and I love the flavor of cookie dough! Hope you have a wonderful holiday season and keep up the great work!

    1. Katie

      Hi Kathy! Glad you found me 🙂 I buy Optimum Nutrition casein. The cookie dough kind I get from
      At first I didn’t like it too much, but then I loved it. Weird, I know 🙂 They now also make a chocolate cake batter flavor that I have yet to try!

      1. Kathy

        Thanks so much! I’ll have to give it a try. 🙂

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