1 Good Deed a Week

Monday again. WHAT!?

Now that I’ve said that. Yesterday I realized over the past week or 2 my life has been all about “me, me, me”. That’s never really good. In order to keep my sanity and remain humble, I decided on 1 good deed a week. Something selfless, nice, and something to brighten someones day.

With that said, I’m not a believer in sharing good deeds with the world. Before you scream at me, let me explain. A good deed is selfless and does not need recognition. If you truly want to do something nice for someone you don’t need to blab it to the world, post it on Facebook, and look for likes or approvals that you are a nice person. I am sharing this general idea, but I will not share my actual good deeds because is it really a good deed then? This is just my personal opinion!


I can turn anything into a Friends reference. It’s a gift.

On Saturday I wasn’t feeling too great so I decided to get dressed in actual clothes and go to the mall for some new workout pants. I really can never have too many pairs! And they are super fun.


I will post my workouts again through out this week, I just have been so busy this weekend I cannot remember what the heck I did! It included shoulders and some upper back (I have to keep it light on my low back). Let’s check out my new purchases though šŸ™‚

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I love pants that are different. Plus they are nice to workout in.

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I also bought these boots from Forever 21. They put the biggest one I’ve ever seen in the mall near me; it replaced a CD/DVD store. Those days are long gone!


They were the last pair in the store and my size so I just had to purchase. A few months back I talked about searching for boots and never found a pair. Now I finally found some when I wasn’t even looking for them.


And then I came across this fierce clutch. I didn’t buy it because I don’t have much use for it, but it was super cute.

When I came home that night I was looking for something and came across 45 bucks in an old birthday card and then a bunch of almond milk coupons. MAJOR WIN!


Also in the drawer? This picture….


That would be little Minnie. The outfit I am wearing was a Miss Piggy top and a jean skirt I wore every single day of my life.

Our weekend rounded out with normal meal prepping and answering e-mails. Thanks to my awesome Dad for shaving an hour off meal prep time by smoking me some chicken breast (a total life saver).


I also enjoyed a night time fluff with my other fluff šŸ˜‰


Have a great Monday, stay motivated!

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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One Comment

  1. Chelsea @ A Fit LittleOne

    I had yesterday off, but today feels like Monday and I did NOT want to get up! Anyways, seriously, I am so in love with those black and white workout pants. I need to find those asap! And yay for Forever21!! I love how big their stores are, I have the hardest time ever finding exactly what I want in any store, so with a store that big, I always have a good chance of at least finding one thing :).

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