Christmas Cookie Workout

Merry Christmas Eve!

I am at work, staring at my watch until the clock strikes 12. First I have to give a GIGANTIC apology to the most important people in my life, my family. I’m sorry I cannot be at Christmas Eve Brunch, but I love you guys and I will see you tonight! šŸ™‚

My blog is going to be quick today for obvious reasons.

After work I plan on getting in a power hour workout that I like to call the Christmas Cookie Workout.

Why? Well duh, I want Christmas Cookies! And maybe a Christmas Waffle. You guys know that’s my favorite part!

This year I’m not even going to sit here and say “oh I will be good”. Time to indulge and worry about the gym the next day.

This workout is a non stop 1 hour workout that will burn a lot of calories and get you your bang for your buck!


This is NON STOP, NO BREAKS! Choose a challenging weight for the exercises and repeat the desired number of reps and sets until you reach 10 minutes. I will probably do 8-10 reps of each and repeat until I hit my mark.

And since it’s Christmas Eve, I had to finish my wrapping. Bet you can’t guess who helped me?

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It’s all about presentation!


I love ribbons and bows šŸ™‚

HAVE A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS! I will see you guys at the end of this week. I’m going to enjoy family time.

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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  1. Lisa

    Merry Christmas!!! šŸ™‚

    1. Katie

      Merry Christmas to you Lisa!

  2. ariel

    merry christmas to you and phoebe! šŸ™‚

  3. Chelsea @ A Fit LittleOne

    Merry Christmas to you two!! Thankfully my cat didn’t try to help me this year, because last year all she did was lay on the paper and prevent me from getting anything done haha. I did the same thing this year! I was shocked. I felt a little guilty at first, but now I don’t care, it was only a couple days, and I don’t think a little dessert will kill me since I never have it. Have a great day šŸ™‚

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