Chugging at the End of the Work Week

Yay! End of the work week for Minnie. Scored a little OT this week which will help pay those bills šŸ™‚

I am very excited I have four days off this weekend! I’m Tuesday throughFriday next week, so I am going to enjoy these next 4 days to the max! I plan on working on a bunch of new recipes, going to Whole Foods to product creep, do a mega clean session in my apartment, workout a lot, and spend time at G-Mama and Pop Pops! I missed them so much this week and I know Phoebe missed them and Shelbs. She is going to be so excited to hop in that bag and go.

Yesterday I didn’t get lunch at work. Not even a drink of water (I was so dehydrated!) There was just so much to do and it was INSANE. I will usually eat at 5:45 am (I have never in my life eaten this early, but I need something in my stomach before I start the work day in case I don’t get to eat). Then after morning rounds (a little after 7) I will have a delicious Clean Eating Granola Bar!—–Click for the recipe (or the pic)

Clean Eating Granola Bar! Perfect Portion
Clean Eating Granola Bar! Perfect Portion

By the time I changed out of my scrubs at 545pm, I ran to my water bottle and chugged the 20 ounces in 30 seconds

Chug Chug!
Chug Chug!

When I came home Phoebs attacked me like I have never seen before. She was barking and crying worse than when she gets shots at the vets! I realized that she has MAJOR attachment issues. I started fishing around for something in my bag and she totally freaked out because she thought I was leaving again. And to top it off when I am gone for these 12-14 hours she doesn’t eat! I leave her MORE THAN ENOUGH food, but I guess she’s so upset she can’t eat.

So I had to ditch the gym today to take care of her for a little bit. Since I am off for the next four days I can push it a little harder. I might double up later today if I can šŸ™‚

I definitely don’t need the extra cardio, skipping lunches is not my choice at all! In fact I’d prefer to eat my regular meals because it keeps my metabolism going strong. This no meal stuff slows it down and is making my clothes a little loose, they are starting to fall off of me a bit…

Loose pants- love my camera, yes I took a flash pic! Don't judge
Loose pants- love my camera, yes I took a flash pic! Don’t judge

While consoling Phoebs, I ran to my fridge for food. I couldn’t hold out for the chicken I thawed, so I snacked on these yummy foods:

Ezekiel Bread with Natural peanut butter
Ezekiel Bread with Natural peanut butter
Strawberries, Mango, blackberries, peaches, cherries. YUM!
Strawberries, Mango, blackberries, peaches, cherries. YUM!

After inhaling that, I made a chicken breast dinner with some veggies and leftover pesto with spaghetti squash. I was still starving and trying to make up for lunch šŸ˜‰

Meanwhile, Phoebe was working on the new baby teething ring I bought her!

She is teething like a baby!
She is teething like a baby! Needs a bath ASAP

OH and how could I forget how I started the morning? Getting the WIND KNOCKED OUT OF ME! I was rounding on patients and some guy whipped open a door and it slammed into my chest and left shoulder. I almost fell over, all my papers were knocked out of my hands, and I lost my breath. And what did the guy say? “Whoaaaaaaaaa”. Not a “oh my goodness I’m so sorry”, “are you okay?”. Nope! NOTHING! Extremely rude. It hurt really bad and it was 100% his fault. Who slings a door open that fast with that kind of force? It took me quite a few minutes to get myself together. My shoulder is still sore šŸ™

Thank goodness it wasn’t my good shoulder with the vein šŸ˜‰

Don't mess up my good shoulder bud!
Don’t mess up my good shoulder bud!

Hopefully my shoulder feels better later because it’s supposed to be shoulder day since I didn’t get to do it yesterday!


Cheers to the Weekend! (With a green tea of course)
Cheers to the Weekend! (With a green tea of course)

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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  1. Charlotte

    Hi Minnie,
    You look great! This clean eating is sure working. I can’t wait to have such great arms(I have a lot of work to do).
    I have to try your granola bars recipe(so low in calories) for my snacks.
    Enjoy your well deserved weekend!

  2. Katie

    Thanks Charlotte! I feel so amazing and it’s only been 10 days. I just have more energy and feel better all around. It’s awesome. And yes! Try the granola bars. You will love šŸ™‚

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