Disoriented Lady

TGIF! Woooohoooooooo! Sorry not grammatically correct, but it was needed.

Coming back to work and being sick is always super difficult. I really had to push through this week. Yesterday was absolutely nothing special. It was work, I did my time, and then I went home.

Yep, home. No biceps, sorry! I needed the rest day, body just wasn’t having it. I really had one of those HUNGRY days though. Where I thought about food all day long and was planning my next snack. When I had walked into work my stomach was already growling, so I knew i was in for it.

At home I took a long nap and it was very necessary. I woke up around 7pm and was obviously very disoriented because I literally jumped out of my bed and started throwing on clothes. I thought it was 7 am and I was late for work. It took me a good 5 minutes to realize where I was, and that I had already gone to work for the day and it was the weekend. This happens to me a lot. It’s why I do not nap. Even on weekend mornings this sometimes happens to me.

So unfortunately I don’t have any pictures from the day, I just felt terrible. In fact I’m typing this on this Friday morning and still feel awful. My life needs to pull together ASAP because I have too much to do!

I realize this blog was a major fail, but the next two days will be great, promise.

BECAUSE…. Phoebe turns 1 year old tomorrow! Yes, we are having a party. Yes, I am baking a cake. And yes, I cannot believe she is not really a puppy anymore. My baby has grown up so darn fast! Big Phoebe feature coming šŸ˜€

I'm a cute little fuzz ball!
I’m a cute little fuzz ball!

i broke it

Little fuzz ball grown up into a big fuzz ball. Where does time go?

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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  1. amyt

    I have to say I felt like that yesterday..I was freaking hungry all day long!! I felt like I constantly snacked. Can’t wait to see the pics for the b’day party!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Phoebe!!! What a cute little fur ball she was šŸ˜‰ Not saying she’s not cute now….. šŸ™‚

  2. Ariel

    i have had the snack attacks all week!! that worst is when you eat, eat, eat, STILL feel hungry, and your tummy is growling, but heavy and full feeling… don’t know if that happens to anyone else.

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