Foodie Weekend

Who bombed their diet this weekend? That would be me!

But wait isn’t she competing soon?

As I talked about before I pushed it back, I’m still not 100% sold on walking on the stage again this year, so I didn’t exactly stick to my strict eating.

And you know what?


Yes. I’m here to tell you it’s absolutely okay to flake once in a while. It happens to all of us and in fact I would be super human if I never had times where I slipped. But it’s a new day and a new week and it’s time to get back to my routine. A few days won’t break me as long as it doesn’t continue.

Now I’m not saying I went out and ate a whole chocolate cake… But I did eat a few things normally not on my diet.

I had blueberry protein waffles. My regular waffles just with blueberry mixed in.


Then Saturday night I decided to try a vegan cheesecake. This is healthy! One slice is 164 calories and you can find the recipe tomorrow 🙂


Sorry to say I have no portion control and may have eaten more than a slice… Or two…


I did have the best rice cake of my life though.


This would be a caramel rice cake, white chocolate wonderful peanut butter, and two melted vegan marshmallows on top. Heavenly.

Breakfasts were healthy. I had oats and a type of flex bowl: oats, chia, flax, egg white, protein powder, almonds. Yummy!


But at one point gummy bears were involved…


I’m ready to get it back together though. Bring on the veggies 🙂

Have a great Monday!

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,




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  1. tam

    I think it’s good not to limit yourself too much much in regards to food. Having had an unhealthy relationship with food in the past, its easy to become obsessive and restrictive. I’m proud of you for relaxing a bit and hey your only human! All the best tam 🙂

  2. Chelsea @ A Fit LittleOne

    Oh the amount of cookies I had this weekend. They had all raw ingredients in them { because cane sugar and butter give me a stomachache and the cold sweats }, but still way more than I normally do. Then I had a hamburger patty, which I think the last time I’ve had one was a year and a half ago haha. Oh it was pretty damn good. Now I’m ready to get back to normal 🙂 Moderation.

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