Green Goddess Juice

When I was in Portland I had the most amazing green juice at a local juice shop.

kure juice

As I was drinking this I thought “I can make this at home for my bloggies” (yes I call you guys bloggies). I have an amazing VitaMix so there really is no excuse. In Kure they used a VitaMix and I overheard people saying wow if only it was that easy at home. Throw it all in and make a juice. Well it is that easy at home. Even if you don’t have a pricey Vitamix, invest in a good blender or food processor and it will work well. That $20 blender is cheap, but it won’t get you a beautiful mix (trust me you end up with spinach chunks— I tried).

Green juices have been all the rage for a while now and evidently I have been living under a rock, because they are DELICIOUS. I think after I tried it once with the cheap blender I was scarred for life, but the one from Kure was refreshing and gave me an energy boost like I couldn’t believe.

This Green Goddess Juice has scrumptious healthy ingredients to start your day off right! You can replace many of the ingredients I use, but make sure to keep it fresh.

Green juices start with a base of healthy greens. I like spinach and kale because of the health benefits. Spinach and Kale are loaded with Vitamin A, K, iron, and antioxidants.

Then you pick a liquid- I used unsweetened vanilla almond milk with almond milk ice cubes. You could also use water, or a natural fruit juice.

Next comes the good stuff! The flavors to the juice. I picked some fruit, agave, cucumber, and topped it off with a little lime juice and superfood powder for an added nutrient boost!

So as you see, you can mix and match based on what you like. But if you want to make MY Green Goddess Juice here’s the recipe!

For this recipe you will need: 

  • 1 cup freshly chopped kale 
  • 1 cup baby spinach leaves
  • 1/2 small frozen banana
  • 1/2 small cucumber (I leave peel on)
  • 1 small nectarine
  • 1 Tablespoon of agave nectar
  • 1 teaspoon of lucuma powder (or any superfood powder)
  • splash of lime juice
  • 1/2 cup of unsweetened vanilla almond milk
  • 1/2 cup of unsweetened vanilla almond milk ICE cubes (about 6 cubes)- you can use regular ice too

You can’t really mess this one up. You just throw everything in a blender!

pre juice
pre juice
lucuma powder is on top!
lucuma powder is on top!

Don’t forget that agave!


Mix for a minute or two until a juice has formed

green juice!
green juice!
Green Goddess Juice
Green Goddess Juice

Isn’t it beautiful?

So refreshing!
So refreshing!

Drink of the Goddesses

Nutritional info (may vary based on the fruit you use!): 207 calories, 3.9 grams of fat, 42.5 grams of carbs, 7.6 grams of dietary fiber, 7.1 grams of protein

Happy juicing…

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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  1. tam

    Looks amazing! Now that the weather is getting better with me, I am going to start having more juices and smoothies as a healthy snack. Need to dig out my blender (or buy a better one!) as the magic bullet won’t hold all the ingredients. Even though I am not American, Happy Independence Day for yesterday Tam x x

    1. Katie

      Thanks Tam! It’s def one of my favorite recipes I’ve done. Fun!

  2. Dee

    Hi, great blog. I really admire your energy and fitness I’m in my 30’s and so fatigued and a LOT of digestive issues so I’m not even exercising 🙁 I am also “binging” at night and feel so badly for it (particularly since I am not exercising and I’m constipated). Will this “juice” work in a magic bullet? The cucumber with skin on? Seems different. I need really simple ideas to heal my digestion and stomach ….I don’t know how to “deal” the next morning after an 11 pm binge when I can’t exercise or “empty” the bowels….ugh…I’m sorry, just lost. What blogs and bloggers do you like? Know of online nutritionists that you completely trust, etc? You can email if you want. Thks.

    1. Katie

      Thanks Dee! Glad you found me. You might have a hard time fitting everything in the magic bullet. I use english cucumbers so the skin isn’t as tough. This will definitely help with your digestive system. Yummy greens! Instead of night binging, try some casein before bed. It really helps keep you full! It’s a slow acting protein and I mix with almond milk or put it in a bowl with a little bit of water so it makes almost like a thick batter. My favorite nutritionist blog is katheatsreal food!

  3. Stacy

    Ha ha…bloggies. I like it. Thanks for the recipe! Now I just gotta get me a glass like that. I know you already told us where you got it…except I was only just now convinced that I gotta have one. Lol

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