Hometown Pride

You couldn’t go anywhere yesterday without someone talking about the Ravens! The whole hospital was in their Ravens jerseys, the halls were decorated, banners and balloons filled the floors. It was great to see such hometown pride!

I was able to snap a few pics to show

The Sun Paper article on bulletin boards at work
The Sun Paper article on bulletin boards at work
Balloons on one of the floors. There was a huge banner and other decorations too!
Balloons on one of the floors. There was a huge banner and other decorations too!
Someone's artwork on a white board!
Someone’s artwork on a white board!

It’s great how something like a win for our city can bring so many people together! It’s nice to see everyone happy and smiling πŸ™‚

My day was pretty good at work. I had a lovely lunch:

Cod again! I love seasoning it with cumin :)
Cod again! I love seasoning it with cumin πŸ™‚

And caught up on some things on my “work to-do list”

It was probably the slowest day I’ve had yet (no complaints here!). I actually left EARLY! Gasp… By the end of the day I was literally sitting there because all the work was complete, so I figured I’d leave a half hour early and hit the gym. I know one day this week I will make that half hour up! So no worries πŸ™‚

I hit the gym and started with some treadmill work. Legs are STILL feeling it from that massive squat day and the stairmasters were full when I got there, so I stayed away from them.

I ran a little over 2 miles and then did an incline walk after, it was 32 minutes total.

Then I hit arms: (remember to alternate between bicep/tricep for the ultimate burn!)

  • Bicep cable curls, 40 lbs 15 reps x 2 sets, then 50 lbs 10 reps x 2 sets
  • Tricep pushbacks with 15 lb kettle bells, 12 reps x 4 sets
  • Diagonal hammer curls with 15 lb kettle bells, alternating, 10 reps x 4 sets
  • Tricep cable pull downs, 50 lbs 15 reps x 2 sets, then 60 lbs 15 reps x 2 sets
  • Bicep curls with 15 lb kettle bells each hand, 10 reps x 3 sets
  • Single arm overhead tricep extension with 12 lb kettle bell, 10 reps x 4 sets each arm
  • Forearm curls with 20 lb bar, 12 reps x 4 sets
  • Tricep dips on bench, 12 reps x 4 sets
  • Uppercut punches with 15 lb kettle bells (alternating) 12 each arm x 6 sets
  • Tricep single arm kickbacks with 15 lb kettle bell, 12 reps x 4 sets
  • Hammer curls with 25 lb plate, 12 reps x 4 sets
  • Tricep overhead extension with 25 lb plate, 12 reps x 4 sets

I also did side bends and bosu mountain climbers (my new favorite exercise!)

I broke up the arm workout from above and added in a quick 15 minute arc trainer session. I was able to stay a tad longer at the gym because I left work early.

I wore my heart rate monitor for fun, even though it really drives me crazy sometimes!

Burn baby burn, not big on counting calories. It's all about how you feel!
Burn baby burn, not big on counting calories. It’s all about how you feel!
And I feel good!
And I feel good!

At home I made another pork chop, some okra, and left over bok choy.

I also played with my letter of the day, B! Here’s a BLUEBERRY dessert.

Quick Blueberry Muffin Cake. HEY! RAVENS PURPLE!!! :)
Quick Blueberry Muffin Cake. HEY! RAVENS PURPLE!!! πŸ™‚

Quick Blueberry Muffin Cake— Click here or the picture for the recipe πŸ™‚

You might be a little surprised to see how it’s made. So click and find out!

Phoebs and I ended the night by watching The BachelorΒ and catching up on texts (my favorite pastime)

We watch in the dark so the flash was used, I'm not holding her down, I'm petting her ;) And look the bad girl is in the background!
We watch in the dark so the flash was used, I’m not holding her down, I’m petting her πŸ˜‰ And look the bad girl is in the background!

Later today is either a rest day for me or a cardio and ab day. It depends on how work goes! I wouldn’t mind hitting a cardio power hour, but we will see where the day takes me!

Arm day!
Arm day!

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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  1. Chelsea @ LittleOneRuns

    yum!! that blueberry muffin looks frozen, even better!! i know what you mean!! yesterday was my leg day and i am so sore today!!! and my arms are sore just from doing weight squats and lunges. have a great day!!

  2. Brandy

    You have the watch that has a band for the heart rate monitor right? Do you know if the watches that don’t require a band are accurate? I am looking for a good watch for training and wondering if you had any recommendations.

    1. Katie

      Yes I have a band that goes around the chest. I like tanks at the gym, so it’s rare I use mine unless I am wearing a regular t-shirt. I don’t like the protrusion with a tight tank.

      If you’re going to get a heart rate monitor, I highly suggest the ones with the chest band, they are the most accurate. Polar monitors are the best ones on the market! That’s what I have πŸ™‚

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