It’s Not Always a Kitchen Miracles


Yep, that’s all I have to say about that one. Coming back from a long holiday weekend is not fun, nor is it fun when you realize you won’t have another day off in a while!

Yesterday I started my morning off with a juice and a Quest bar. Nothing beats that combination! Phoebe was right by my side as I updated my blog.

closeup phoebe

Then we went to G-Mama’s and I hit the gym. I was feeling it from my back workout the day before, so I decided to do the stepmill for 30 minutes, the arc trainer for 15, and then hit some ab work. Usually I am not a fan of doing ab exercises, but every now and then it’s important to work those muscles to keep them strong. Plus I was feeling a little “flabby” lately, so I needed to beef up that area a bit.

Here was my workout:

  • Plank on elbows, 1 minute hold x 2 sets
  • Plank on hands with alternating knee crunch, 1 minute x 2 sets
  • Side bends with 30 lb kettle, 12 reps x 3 sets each side
  • Standing oblique crunch holding 12 lb kettle (left knee to right elbow-weight in this hand), 12 reps x 2 sets each side
  • TRX ab pikes, 12 reps x 3 sets
  • TRX pilates lift and lower (sit on butt bones, legs straight out at 45 degrees, hold TRX handles for balance, lift and lower legs while holding abs tight)
  • actually I held the handles out to the sides, but for picture purposes I'm holding this way
    actually I held the handles out to the sides, but for picture purposes I’m holding this way. Just a small lift and lower will do
  • Bicycle crunches, 20 alternating x 2 sets
  • 15 lb Kettle pulse ups (sit on butt bones, pulse up and back down holding abs tight), 15 reps x 3 sets
Flex it girl!
Flex it girl! Got guns?

After picking up my girl I ran a few errands including a coffee stop!

This has unsweetened almond milk and a splash of creamer
This has unsweetened vanilla almond milk and a splash of creamer
You know I had to try this new Kati coffee! It has my name on it, LITERALLY! :)
You know I had to try this new Kati coffee! It had my name on it, LITERALLY! πŸ™‚

Then, I came back home to work on some new projects. I really wanted to make casein cookies and they failed MISERABLY.

Take one:

take oneThey fell…

How about a cupcake? Take two:

casein fail They fell…

How about a whoopie pie? Take three:

take three

It kind of worked, but nothing I was super proud of πŸ™

So folks, I am not always a whiz in the kitchen! Whenever I make big plans for a recipe they fail, then when I throw things together they are my best recipes!

For dinner I ended up “planning” for some yummy Mexican lentils. I used my fresh homemade salsa in the mix, along with some Fiesta Mrs. Dash. It had lots of promise. I paired it with 2 pieces of tilapia coated with the vegan mayo I bought the other day and more Mrs. Dash.

vegan mayo DSC_3586

The lentils were NOT good. I didn’t eat them. Another fail… πŸ™ The fish was on point though!

I ended up having a salad on the side with walnuts for a healthy fat boost.DSC_3582

I finished my night with some light meal prepping including ground turkey, cauliflower, and a big batch of green juice for the mornings. I didn’t add frozen banana or ice cubes to it since it will melt right away. I added some apple instead to bulk it up!

green goddess lettering

I have to say I did have an amazing 4 days off. I spent time doing what I love, blogging! I feel like I am back to my old self and I love it. I am very grateful to all my readers who encourage me to continue to write. Every day I stop and think wow people are actually reading this! Keeps me humble, but I feel accomplished at the same time. So thanks guys πŸ™‚ Sometimes you just have to….


XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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  1. Chelsea @ LittleOneRuns

    Glad to see your back in the kitchen!! I was missing your delicious meals and snacks you make πŸ™‚ Your salads always look so good!!!! And good luck with the baking, I’m not so good at making my own recipes so I have no idea how to do that lol. And that Kati Kati coffee looks and sounds good! Hope your Monday goes smoothly πŸ™‚

  2. Kim Perry

    That ab workout looks killer!

  3. amyt

    I tried a pretty good protein cookie recipe….1/2 cup of protein powder, 1/2 cup peanut butter, 1 egg…bake at 350 for 8mins. Not bad at all. I’m sure you could use any nut butter. I love reading your blog πŸ™‚

  4. Beeb

    I don’t know, it all still looks good to me! The cookies might be falling apart but they look like they tasted good. The lentils look tasty, but of course I can’t actually taste them from here so I could be wrong LOL. πŸ™‚

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