I’ve Got That Vaca Itch
Hello there!
I’m so excited, it’s almost time for my vacation! Time flew by and here I am 2 work days away from heading back to Fitbloggin’. Wow!
I spent my weekend doing TONS of laundry so I could pack all my cute workout clothes. I still have yet to pack these things, but I have three days to worry about that stuff.
Speaking of cute workout clothes… I added to my collection and tried them out this weekend.
“Are you kitten me right meow”
And this Lululemon Free To Be Wild Bra. I’ve been on the hunt for a good two months for this bra… I had to settle for paying extra on Ebay, but I wanted it so bad I didn’t care.
Thumbs up!
I also noticed I do thumbs up WAYYYYY too much… let me share. These are just from ONE DAY!
After finding my Ray Bans.
I’ll just call it a signature and go with it
So what else did I do? Well lots of work on my e-book, I’m almost finished! Phew. Mary and I also had a face off via text.
Things got serious when I pulled the pups into it.
Oh my little girl! I’m going to miss her oh so much, but I told her Mommy (mami- how I say it to her) always comes back and she’s going to have so much fun at G-Mama and Pop Pops!
I held her a lot this weekend
So mostly a picture post for today, since I have a lot going on in our home. Do you guys have plans for the summer? Trips planned? Let me hear ’em!
Have a great Monday
XOXO With a Cherry On Top,
Lisa @ Life as Lisa Knows It
Have a great trip! My husband and I are going on vacation next Fri. We are going to Vegas for a few days and then Palm Springs, CA .. I can’t wait!!!
Ah Vegas! So much fun! I’ve never been but hope to go within the next year or so. Have a great time
Have a great time, sounds amazing! Love the photo of Phoebe with her tongue out! No holiday plans yet as we are moving house this summer, hopefully try and go somewhere in September though, would love a break. Tam
Thanks so much! And that’s Phoebs! Hehe
Chelsea @ A Fit LittleOne
Yay for Vaca Trips!! I seriously can’t believe Fitbloggin’ is almost here!!! Don’t really have anything planned too much, but my boyfriend said when he gets back he’ll take me to the beach for the day, so I’m super pumped for that!
that shirt though! ahahahaha love it!
i too have the need-to-flee itch. i am escaping to arizona next week to go camping! cannot wait
have fun at fitbloggin’!!
Fitbloggin sounds like a blast!
Nothing planned in the immediate future, but I just booked my flight to Portland for the end of August to see my best friend! I’m pumped!