Just a Recipe

Hey guys! Yesterday I didn’t have much time to do anything but work. I ended up covering an outpatient clinic for another PA on vacation, so I was out of my element for the afternoon. I left late, didn’t get to go to the gym  🙁 and went straight home. I didn’t get much sleep the night before so I cooked a quick dinner, showered, and plopped down. The plan driving home was to workout in my home apartment gym but that didn’t happen. I guess I was due for a rest day, so back day will be later today!

This is how I returned home… can we say HOT MESS?

No I didn't wear the uggs in the office! I think I need to change to small scrubs though. I realize I look a little ridiculous
No I didn’t wear the uggs in the office! I think I need to change to small scrubs though. I realize I look a little ridiculous

I didn’t know I would be pulled to clinic or I would have been prepared with nice clothes. All I had were my scrubs and white coat.

Unfortunately I do not have much else to say. However, I do have my recipe for cauliflower chicken nuggets!

Trying something new! Low carb nuggets
Trying something new! Low carb nuggets

Hopefully tomorrow I will have more for you guys including a workout and more events of the day. It just felt like one of those days where you say “Wait, I went to work? What happened?”. It all seems like a blur!

Enjoy the recipe. Back to normal tomorrow!

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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One Comment

  1. Chelsea @ LittleOneRuns

    Is your work always tiring and stressful? I’m just curious because I’m trying to find the right fit in a career for me. I’m not sure what I want to do with my life lol. Today is back for me too 🙂 Hope you’re able to get a workout in today!!

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