Look What She’s Packing
Happy Thursday everyone! Today’s blog will be pretty straight and to the point since I am in the process of loading up all my stuff and shifting over to the new digs.
As I type this hardly anything is done. It’s so overwhelming, plus I’m exhausted from prep. Tears were involved last night and Phoebe literally was under my foot the entire time. It’s very difficult to do anything with a 6 pound furball jumping at you while you are trying to do something. I wish I had a genie to pack it all up for me.
Today she will be going to G-Mama and Pop Pops so I can get stuff done ALONE!
—-Actually I ended up doing a lot after I wrote this. I have my kitchen to do and clothes to take over still, kitchen is always last!
Yesterday meals were not as big of an issue as I anticipated. I ate my yogurt and berries in the car at 545am. It is so hard for me to eat at this time, but I needed fuel for the day.

Then around 730am I had my rice cake with sunflower seed butter. I didn’t have the protein shake because there was hope I would get a lunch break sometime after 1. Again, I normally like to eat after 8am so a shake on top of it would have been pushing it!

I ended up being in the OR until after 130 and got to my lunch around 2pm. I was more than ready for it!

After finishing up work duties, I changed into workout gear and rolled out.

The plan was to go home for about a half hour and go to a Pilates reformer class at 6pm. Well that didn’t happen. By the time I walked in I was so exhausted, I thought let me just sit here for 30 minutes. Well 30 turned into an hour or so later. I didn’t fall asleep, Miss Buffay wouldn’t let me. Just because I am training for this competition doesn’t mean I shouldn’t listen to my body. It was obviously telling me “hey kiddo cool it, you still have 11 and a half weeks, I need a break”. So I said “okay body this one is for you”.
Basically the remainder of my night included dinner, temper tantrums, and trying to dodge a pomeranian. Going through my closet I found this skirt that I bought over a year and a half ago. Tags are still on because I couldn’t fit in it. I had to hike it up so high that it was TOO MINI of a mini skirt. Cut off circulation, the whole bit. Well look at it now

No longer a mini skirt, hangs really low off my hips. I’ve come so far!
Today I will be spending the whole day cleaning up my place for the move and taking the small stuff over myself. Shooting to get a workout in, but if it doesn’t happen I’m not going to fret.
Have a wonderful Thursday! Not sure if there will be a post tomorrow or not, but check back anyway 🙂

XOXO WIth a Cherry On Top,
Chelsea @ LittleOneRuns
I have a hard time listening to my body, defiantly something I need to work on. Arms look good to me!! Good luck with packing and getting everything over there 🙂