Lucky Duck Day of Shopping

So it’s December 22nd… fooled ya Mayans!

This was the first time I gave Phoebe a bath! So hilarious, I had no idea she was hiding those ears under all that fuzz!
This was the first time I gave Phoebe a bath! So hilarious, I had no idea she was hiding those ears under all that fuzz!

I said yesterday I wasn’t going to leave my apartment much, but I quickly decided I was being silly, so I set out to finish some Christmas shopping. I already prepared myself that it was going to be just awful, the last Friday before Christmas. I had my coffee, and a nice big breakfast (oatmeal, almonds, and egg whites) because I knew it would probably take a while. Well, luck was DEFINITELY on my side!

I started at the toy store, tried to get the worst over first, but actually it wasn’t bad at all! I couldn’t believe it! I was in and out in no time and picked up exactly what I needed.

Then I headed to the mall. It’s always extremely packed on a normal day, I knew I was pressing my luck on Christmas (no whammies, no whammies, stop!), but had to do it. I pulled into the most crowded parking lot I’ve ever seen, turned into a lane, and BAM! Open parking spot. Holy Moly! People were circling for at least an hour, parked in lanes waiting to stalk people, and I find a spot the first lane I searched. I felt like I had found a diamond ring or something!

The mall was definitely doable. I probably got in a decent workout because I power walked like crazy through that whole mall. My last stop was in a very crowded store and as I was at the cash register, a VERY KIND woman behind me said “here you go honey, I have a $15 dollar off coupon you can have”. I was shocked and ecstatic. Not because I got that off my purchase (okay a little), but I was more happy that random acts of kindness still happen! It made me feel really good. It came out of nowhere, we weren’t talking in line, I wasn’t saying anything about prices, she just offered it! Of course I thanked her over and over, said God Bless You, and told her to have a very happy holiday! Cool, huh? Time to pay it forward!

Maybe she did it because my outfit looked questionable…

Bumming it...
Bumming it…

When I got home, I felt terrible again (hate being sick!), so unfortunately I still couldn’t hit the gym. I hope I’m feeling better tomorrow. I am having major gym withdrawals šŸ™

We were able to go to G-Mama and Pop Pops and the girls did their usual chewing on bones and treats

Phoebe in the treat bed (G-Mama always fills it with goodies- she runs right to it!) and Shelby walking across
Phoebe in the treat bed (G-Mama always fills it with goodies- she runs right to it!) and Shelby walking away from her!

After a couple hours, Phoebe let’s me know when she’s ready to go home

She just loves her ducky, but getting way too big for her carrier! Santa will probably bring her a new one ;)
She just loves her ducky, but getting way too big for her carrier! Santa will probably bring her a new one šŸ˜‰

At home I made some PB & J Protein Bars! (they are really a cake consistency, but still fabulous and loaded with protein) Yum! Click the picture for the recipe šŸ™‚

It's actually raspberry preserves in there. So delicious
It’s actually raspberry preserves in there. So delicious

While they baked, I wrapped some presents!

She's always checking out stuff
She’s always checking out my stuff

And then we watched more Friends together šŸ™‚

They say pups that lay like this are as happy as they can be!
They say pups that lay like this are as happy as they can be!

Tomorrow is our last big round of shots at the vets šŸ™ Don’t worry we will NOT be seeing the vet that yelled at us before. Believe me I will storm out of that place before we see her again! I’m hoping to hit the gym early before our appointment, but I usually stay up super late. Can’t shake that night shift job out of me!

Have a great weekend, and be patient out in those stores! (Oh and keep snacks in your purse just in case)

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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