Monday and my Weekend Recap

Hello everyone! I’m sad to say it’s Monday again and I have a full week of work ahead of me. I live for Thursday afternoons, but this time around I’ll be working Friday as well. I had the choice to skip a day in the week, but as a responsible adult I know I have bills to pay and could use the extra overtime. When did I become a grown up? Yeah… not fun!

Anyway, I had a great weekend! As I talked about in my previous post I did watch the Olympia with a friend. Congrats to Ashley Kaltwasser on her second consecutive win as Miss Bikini Olympia. She made history as the first bikini competitor to win the title twice.


I may have watched their walks a few times on the replays on 😉


Definitely not Ashley, but I couldn’t help but get in the spirit

I actually was super disappointed Amanda Latona didn’t do better than her placement last year. She came in 5th two years in a row, but this year I thought her physique was the best it’s ever been. She is definitely the crowd favorite, and if you look at her you can see why. She has a presence about her and she’s stunningly beautiful. I previously was not much of an Amanda fan (I’ll admit), but good golly when I saw her body I was blown away! There’s no such thing as perfection but she came pretty darn close. I guess you could say I have a girl crush… no big deal…


And did you know she does her workouts at midnight? Yes, I follow her on Instagram and she always posts about it. I’m sure it’s because she probably can’t get anything done with a crowd of people around her, gawking. Go ahead girlfriend!

I did some pretty good workouts this weekend myself. Sunday in particular I hit back full speed ahead!



For those interested in my lift, here was most of it:

8-12 reps, 3-4 sets each

  • T rows , slow and controlled
  • Behind the neck cable lat pull downs (these felt sooooo good!)
  • Dead lifts  (regular stance and plié/sumo). I actually did 15 reps and 2 sets of each kind
  • Standing cable pulldowns
  • Plank dumbbell rows (see picture below). THESE KILL! Really works the core too.


  • I alternated the above with standing low barbell rows
  • Barbell behind the neck pulldowns. Alternated with low bent over dumbbell rows
  • Finished with standing cable lat pull downs IN A SQUAT using single hand grips with 8 pulses at the end of each set

I felt so amazing! Sundays at 1pm are my favorite time to go to the gym because it’s like a ghost town. If you’re not a football fan congrats because the gym is your playground. I don’t have to wait around for a thing!


I have to say I’ve been feeling pretty good about my body lately too. Muscles have now made their appearance, but I still have my femininity and curves in the right places. I think I may also have found a new signature pose…


Apparently I do it a lot now… 😉


Hey whatever works!

Have a great day. Keep on smiling and keep the positivity around you 🙂

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,



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  1. Chelsea @ A Fit LittleOne

    I always wonder about that, if a girl just looks amazing, and doesn’t place that high or worse than the previous year, even though shes better than the year before, are the judges playing favorites? I mean, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they were haha but it’s just one of those weird things that happens.

    1. Katie

      Yes, it’s definitely a favoritism thing… unfortunately.

  2. Joan Chen

    Midnight workouts sound intense, man

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