My Talking Gremlin

Monday! We can all groan together. I’m still off of work, but I go back tomorrow and I am not looking forward to it! You would think 4 days off seems like a long time, but it went by extremely fast. I know I sound like a brat, sorry.

As I’m typing away I am watching episodes of The Chew from the week. One of my favorite shows. Well this episode just so happens to be all about dips! People that know me know I love a good dip. My BFF even bought me a book a few years ago for Christmas called “Skinny Dips” and then all these adorable little dip containers. She is always so thoughtful!

Yesterday morning I started with another protein smoothie/milkshake. I can’t get enough of them lately. I am the type of person when I find something I like to eat I’ll eat it straight for about a month, then I won’t touch it again for ages. Like my strawberry salad! I think I’ve had one every single day since I made the dressing again.

So fluffy and frothy! Amazing. The frozen banana whipped over and over makes all the difference
So fluffy and frothy! Amazing. The frozen banana whipped over and over makes all the difference. I put it in a bigger mug today šŸ™‚

This one is 1 frozen banana, 1 cup of unsweetened vanilla almond milk, 1 scoop of strawberry protein powder, 1 Tablespoon of pomegranate powder, and a few ice cubes. I swear it’s like having a milkshake!

I headed to the gym to get it done early and it was pretty empty! Either people out drinking during the day, or still hungover from the night before. I didn’t care, I like it empty šŸ™‚

I did a pretty hardcore arm workout that included all my basic bicep and tricep stuff. Instead of boring you guys with the same list again, if you want to see what I did try my WORKOUTS tab and look under arms. That’s pretty much it šŸ™‚

Always balancing on this bosu ball, so great for the core
Always balancing on this bosu ball, so great for the core

I also did the ellitpical for 40 minutes. About 15-20 minutes of this was a SLOW high resistance climb. This really got my heart rate up. So instead of flying away on that low resistance and sprinting, try increasing the resistance instead. You burn more calories this way!

I ended with lots and lots of stretching. I really am trying to prepare my body for leg day! I usually do legs on the weekends, but hips were a little sore from Pilates and Barre so I did arms and pushed legs back a day.

This is like a huge cage to stretch on. I love it!
This is a huge cage to stretch on. I love it!

A quick pic and back to G-Mama’s I went

So serious... I need to lighten up!
So serious… I need to lighten up!

Calories burned šŸ™‚

Not too shabby
Not too shabby

Actually I forgot, I stopped in BJs for a few things, which always ends up more than a few things. Such a grocery shopping addict!

Back at G-Mama’s I was SUPER ACTIVE!

I’m kidding… I seem like the laziest person alive, but I fell asleep on the couch again.

Watching food shows, typical!
Watching food shows, typical!

And Phoebe talked to me the whole time. She is the only dog I’ve ever seen that actually “talks”. I start talking to her and she will make noises back like a little gremlin. She doesn’t bark, she just cries and whimpers and I swear she says things! My mom and dad believe me so it’s okay šŸ™‚ We have conversations and I have to quit because she will keep going for hours if I let her!

She sticks her tongue out at you since you don't believe us!
She sticks her tongue out at you since you don’t believe us!

At home we made swordfish with a spicy greek yogurt marinade. It was okay, but not something I was super proud of that I’d post the recipe

And yeah the grill marks were a little darker than I wanted... almost set my apartment on fire with the stupid cast iron grill pan!
And yeah the grill marks were a little darker than I wanted… almost set my apartment on fire with the stupid cast iron grill pan!

I ate it anyway for the protein. I had some other sides with it and ended up eating some fruit too. These pictures are definitely not everything I ate today. I eat a lot on days I workout early and for longer periods of time.

My recipe of the day is the Grapefruit Freekah I had for dinner a few days ago. It features grilled grapefruit! Super delicious. Grilling fruit brings out the sweetness and acidity. I loved it šŸ™‚

Grapefruit Freekah with Honey Lime Shrimp
Grapefruit Freekah with Honey Lime Shrimp

Phoebe and I ended our night blogging, listening to JT (you can stream his whole album for free on iTunes before you can buy it on Tuesday- I just loop it over and over), and meal prepping a little bit for the week.

Oh and I also did this…

YES this is exactly what it looks like I am separating Phoebe's dog food.
YES this is exactly what it looks like I am separating Phoebe’s dog food.

There’s little “bits” in here of chicken liver or something that I call the crunchies. They actually look like small Chick Fil a nuggets. Phoebe just LOVES them and eats around the other dog food. So yes, I picked them all out by hand. Gosh my dog is so spoiled!!!

Doggie Snacks
A Doggie Bag of Gold!

I also ordered more protein powders (I was all out of chocolate), and some more PB2. I didn’t realize until I went to reach for it last night but I am completely out! Ah please get here fast!!!!

Have a great day, hit the gym hard!

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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