New Years Rockin’ Eve!

New Years Eve! Champagne! Horns! Crazy glasses that say 2013!

Hate to be a bummer, but I’m not big on New Years Eve. I find it to be a drinking holiday. Actually my favorite part of the holiday is the episode of Friends where Monica and Ross dance their middle school routine on Dick Clark’s New Years Rockin’ Eve. Hilarious.

Even the times I went out on New Years and had “BIG PLANS”, it was always a huge letdown. It’s a day where you hype yourself up for something great to happen, but unfortunately I’d walk away and say “well that wasn’t worth it”. I always think of my favorite episode of How I Met Your Mother where they get the Limo on New Years Eve and Barney makes the “psyched” playlist. Long story short if you haven’t seen it, it ends up nothing like they planned!

Okay now that I am a Debbie Downer…

If you have big new years eve plans I hope you stay safe! Make smart choices, party like a rockstar if you choose to, but please don’t drink and drive. Wait for the cab ๐Ÿ™‚

My day yesterday was a nice little Sunday. I started with a workout in my apartment gym. It’s so convenient when I don’t feel like driving to my regular gym. They don’t have a stair master, but after my 62 minute session from the other day, I think I’m okay!

I started with an interval treadmill workout. This is an EXCELLENT way to pass time on the treadmill. Plus its a calorie blaster. Here it is in a little iPhone note ๐Ÿ™‚

Follow this for a 35 minute killer workout!
Follow this for a 35 minute killer workout!

This is 35 minutes total. Tips for this workout. NO TOUCHING the handrails! You will burn more calories that way. Also, I always do any treadmill workout on a 1.0 incline at the lowest. If you are at zero, this is almost downhill. The 1.0 incline is similar to a flat pavement outside. After the incline jogs (I did an incline of 7.0-8.0), up your speed on the flat road run. It’ll be much easier once you are flat!

This will take you about 3 miles or so…

3 miles complete!
3 miles complete!

I also did some arms. I think for Christmas Santa gave me super strength, because I have really been upping my weight and it came out of nowhere! I was curling 40 lbs with the cable before and all of a sudden I felt like it was so easy. Now I do 65! Baby hulk ๐Ÿ˜‰

My arm workout:

  • Tricep pulldowns with cable, 50 lbs 15 reps x 2 sets, 60 lbs 10 reps x 2 sets
  • Tricep overhead pulls, 40 lbs 15 reps x 2 sets, 50 lbs 12 reps x 2 sets
  • Bicep pull down extensions, single arm cables, 20 lbs 10 reps x 2 sets each arm
  • Bicep curls 50 lbs 15 reps x 2 sets, then 65 lbs 10 reps x 2 sets
  • Tricep extensions, standing, holding a 25 lb weight, 12 reps x 4 sets
  • Hammer curls 25 lbs each arm, 10 reps x 3 sets
Biceps growing!
Biceps growing!

Finished with some side bends holding a 30 lb weight in one hand, 20 reps x 2 sets each side

My hour workout was awesome. When I came back to my apartment, to my surprise Phoebe was sleeping in her carrier. This was the first time I “tested” her and let her roam free in my apartment. She was a good girl!

In no time though she was more than ready to go to G-Mama and Pop Pops. I caught her trying to sneak in my gym bag too ๐Ÿ˜‰

Hey! Get Outta There Missy!
Hey! Get Outta There Missy!
Sorry Mama!
Sorry Mama!

We watched a lifetime movie at G-Mamas (with Jenna Dewan-Tatum, total girl crush) and had some snacks

Greek Yogurt. Normally I put jam, fruit or jell-o packets but they didn't have any. So I used a teaspoon of strawberry koolaid packet and a splenda!
Greek Yogurt. Normally I put in jam, fruit, or jell-o packets but they didn’t have any. So I used a teaspoon of a strawberry koolaid packet and a splenda! (Looks like frosting!)
Healthy Veggies
Healthy Veggies

Phoebe loves veggies

Yummy Broccoli
Yummy Broccoli

At home we had a big bowl of my Skinny Minnie French Onion Soup. This HUGE bowl, including a whole pita and cheese is only 252 calories! WOW! Click the picture for the recipe!

Floating cheesy pita... Mmmmmm
Floating cheesy pita… Mmmmmm

I also had a side salad and Phoebe had puppy food ๐Ÿ˜‰

After dinner we played a little bit, but I didn’t want to push it because she is still healing. I had to stop her early

She ran into my camera right after this shot! (playing with minnie mouse, how appropriate)
She ran into my camera right after this shot! (playing with minnie mouse, how appropriate)

And then she talked to me a little like she normally does ๐Ÿ˜‰

Talking Phoebs

2012 was a huge bummer. I’m glad to say so long to the year, some tough times hit us. We are ready for 2013! BRING IT ON!

So again, have fun tonight if you are going out. But staying in is equally as awesome! Have a wonderful night!

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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