On the mend and my weekend

Hi guys!

Sorry about the lack of post yesterday. I’m still recovering from this darn illness so after work I went home and hit my bed.

This weekend I was starting to feel better so I was determined to go out and do things! As I told you guys Saturday I planned to go see a bodybuilding show. Well that didn’t go as planned. I sat in traffic an hour and when I finally arrived I found out they were 4 hours behind! I had plans that night so I just had to leave. It was a huge bummer.

I even put on my red lips! G Mama was pretty much the only person to see them since I was just stuck in the car all day šŸ™


Later that night I got dressed up for a nice dinner.



Even curled my hair! A first.


I was taken to Woodberry Kitchen in Baltimore. I’ve heard GREAT THINGS about this place and it definitely lived up to it’s expectations. The decor was amazing. It has an old cellar vibe. It was a bit dark though.



I pretty much did it up big. Wine. Appetizer. Bread. Main course. Dessert. Bikini ladies know how to eat on the off season šŸ˜‰


This was my main meal: chicken and biscuit. Mmmmmm

On Sunday I had a few inches trimmed (it was ridiculously long) by my good friend Tiffany. Her salon did a cut-a-thon for breast cancer awareness month. They opened their doors to customers for hair cuts and all proceeds went to breast cancer research. I tell you, I have some pretty awesome friends. What a kind and wonderful thing to do!


Still long! I’d never cut my long hair šŸ™‚

Yesterday I FINALLY made it back in the gym after the long hiatus from the flu. I still am not 100% back to Minnie, but it felt really good to workout. I did shoulders and some cardio, but I did notice all those meals have filled me out a bit. I’m okay with it though šŸ˜‰


Today I will be hitting those squats hard. I’m all about making my glutes the best they can be for 2015!

Have an awesome hump day!

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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  1. Tam

    damn, your glutes looking great! Hope you feel better soon, all the best. Tam

  2. Lauren

    Woodberry Kitchen is delish! I haven’t been since Valentine’s Day a couple years ago….

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