Hey everyone!
I’ve had quite a few weeks… working like crazy, then when I’m off, going on mini road trips or having friends visit. I’m happy to say I am back to normal at home and yet again trying to find balance that I lost so long ago.
3 weekends ago we traveled to Pittsburgh to see Steve compete and we had a blast!
Spoiler alert… Steve did well, taking his novice class (1st place!) and then 3rd in his open class.
I felt extremely pale next to him. That’s the name of the sport though, no spray tan can be dark enough.
Pittsburgh was also a pro show and it was my first time seeing the pros on stage doing their thing. So inspiring! Even if bodybuilding is not your thing, you have to respect the hard work and dedication these athletes have.
I thought the figure girls were stunning up there, and of course the bikini ladies as well. It was weird seeing so many people in person that I follow online. A memorable experience to say the least.
Tony geeked out meeting Kai Greene. Rightfully so, he’s only the biggest name in bodybuilding.
I loaded up on coffee all weekend, and was lucky enough to have my blonde partner in crime! We weren’t expecting Hannah to drive all the way to Pittsburgh, but I’m glad she did. A small circle of friends is a solid circle of friends.
Twinsies! And the sun was shining too! What a difference for the east coast lately…
In between festivities, Tony and I headed to a small gritty gym in Pittsburgh. I was a tad intimidated at first, but I ended up really liking the place. Tons of motication and sarcasm filled the rooms.
We even ended up running to a friend/neighbor from home, and of course getting in a great lift.
One of the coolest, and most embarrasing things did happen while we were there. If you follow my snapchat, you may have seen that I was fangirling over the fact that Chris and Heidi Powell were competing at Pittsburgh. Well I thought to myself, oh it’s going to be so awesome to see them up on the stage!
So Tony and I are sitting there, bikini is going on and there I am GUSHING about Heidi Powell as she takes center stage. I mean I went on and on.. “Look there she is!” “Oh my gosh isn’t she so beautiful!” “Scott she does the show on ABC with Chris Powell and I’m obsessed wtih them!”.
I’m taking pictures with my phone, zooming in on snap chat, drawing arrows and hearts, the whole nine yards… then I glance over my shoulder…
BOOM. Chris Powell behind me.
Directly BEHIND ME.
First I turned white as a ghost, then red from embarrassment that I basically went on a 5 minute love gush over the man’s wife. So in true Katie fashion I HAD TO SELFIE, and I HAD TO get Chris Powell in that picture.
Definitely my favorite picture from the weekend. After Heidi went off I did turn around and tell Chris that I’m a huge fan and I love the work him and his wife do; and let me tell you I’ve never met a nicer celebrity. He talked to me like I was a friend even though I wouldn’t stop babbling.
Later that night at finals I had the privelege of meeting Heidi. Also, I can’t have better things to say, she was a doll, so beautiful and friendly. It’s so nice when you meet someone in person and they are more that you could have hoped for! We talked for a few minutes, and she thought Phoebe was adorable, which made her that much cooler 😉
It really was an awesome weekend. We were very tired because we didn’t sleep at all from the excitement, but we wouldn’t have changed a thing. Steve came out with a big win and I got to meet two of my idols.
So now onto an awesome week!
Have a great day!
XOXO With a Cherry On Top,
LA Continued | Skinny Minnie Moves
[…] me of when I met Heidi and Chris Powell, embarrassing the heck out of myself. We remember that, […]