Puppy Party
Mornin’ Ya’ll 🙂 No I didn’t move to the south… it’s just a ya’ll kind of morning.
Yesterday morning Phoebe and I got up and I gave her lots of birthday love! I’m not sure I ever shared this picture, but this is how she wakes me every darn morning. Paws slapping in my face, over my shoulder, and drums on me.
After a cup of coffee, I went downstairs to exercise. I just did some quick HIIT cardio and a teeny bit of hip/glute work. I planned on doing a longer session, but I was already running late, so I will have to double up later.
I did sets of plie squats, donkey cable kicks, and stability ball booty bridges.
After some more selfies, I went upstairs to brush Phoebe (yes she bit me), and then I showered. We had to get pretty for the par-tay!
I also gave Phoebe her first present at home. It’s a Minnie toy (how appropriate), with a water bottle inside. She LOVES her duck with the water bottle inside, even though the constant crinkling drives mommy crazy 😉
Then we packed up all our stuff and headed to G-Mama and Pop Pops. G-Mama and I did some quick decorating with the things I purchased the day before from Party City. Okay I went overboard, but it was fun! I was REALLY disappointed when I arrived and realized I left my blog camera at home. I was in such a rush to get out the door that I left it on the counter, so sorry for the blurry/dark iPhone pics 🙁
The blue cray paper was actually zebra, and the cray paper under the “happy birthday” was puppy paw prints, couldn’t resist!

And you know I had to rock some party hats. I was asked if Phoebe was going to wear a party dress, but I don’t believe in dressing animals. The 2 second party hat was enough.

Bella, Casey, and Drue finally arrived and we took more pictures 🙂

I then went for a ride in Drue’s brand new truck. Congrats Drueby, you work so hard and deserve it! You always put your two girls first and never do anything for yourself, so proud of you, enjoy it 🙂

Back at the house we did presents!
Phoebe started to hoard things… (I did buy Shelby things too OF COURSE!)
Cupcakes came next and Happy Birthday! My sister Casey made some FABULOUS cupcakes. Oh my goodness.
I couldn’t resist, I did take a bite or two, holy cow was it good!
And yes the girls went to town. Gotta live a little!
I have to give a BIG BIG BIG thank you to Case, Bell, and Druebs. They went out of their way to buy both Phoebe and Shelby gifts. So thoughtful. And of course G-Mama and Pop Pop. They always treat my girl and I so great. We love you all!
So that was Phoebe’s first birthday! Crazy? Maybe a little. But hey I love my puppy, and I love spending time with my family! All in good fun right?
Hitting the gym EXTRA hard today because I went home and ate a huge bag of granola then paid for it later… wow upset tummy to the max!
Enjoy your Sunday, and don’t forget to meal prep for the week!
XOXO with a Cherry On Top,
I love the little paw print hats! so cute. Bet Phoebe couldn’t believe all those decorations were for her, she’s very lucky! Have a great day! Also planning on doing some food prep this afternoon too. Tam x
So cute!!!