Surgery Gal and a Giveaway

Good Morning, happy hump day! Half way through the week. Not bad huh?
Sorry for the lack of update yesterday. I spent 8-9 hours in the operating room doing a facelift on Monday and was absolutely wiped. I pushed myself to go to the gym because I had to finish out my #noequipmentcardio week. I did it! One week of workouts without one machine. I never thought I’d see the day, but I loved it. So fromΒ now on I plan on doing 3 out of 6 of my weekly workouts this way. The only reason I won’t continue to do them all this way is #1: convenience. There isn’t always room to do my intervals on busy weekdays. And #2 I really did miss spinning and the step mill.
I didn’t stay long at the gym, about 50 minutes because my head was pounding and I was so tired. I managed to squeeze in my workout though. Every bit counts.
Like the shirt I’m wearing? My lovely friends over at Meatheads Apparel sent me this tank and they want to give away one of their shirtsΒ to a lucky reader! The bonus about this top is 15% of the proceeds go to a non-profit organization that supports the fight against breast cancer. Awesome, right?
My favorite part of the shirt is that it doesn’t just mention beauty and muscles, but BRAINS! I’m most proud that I am a smart cookie. One of my biggest accomplishments was completing PA school and now I’m a surgery PA. I worked super hard to get where I am, so I like that this tank represents the smart side of me too π
For a chance to win a Meatheads apparel tank, comment below with your biggest accomplishment. Winner will be chosen at random on Monday, November 11, 2013 and announced on the Monday morning blog. You may enter once. Product will be sent directly from Meatheads Apparel. For official sweepstakes rules- click here.
Oh and don’t you love how I continue to break fashion rules? Fancy coat with cashmere scarf, meet high gym socks π
Terrible Tuesday actually wasn’t too terrible. I was pulled to the OR pretty much the whole day, so it went super fast. No complaints over here. Fast days, especially TUESDAYS = amazing.
The terrible-ness (a word?) came in when I went home. It was already decided I was taking a rest day, and the night before Phoebe was super sick! My poor boo boo kept throwing up so I called to make a vet appointment Tuesday evening. You know mama was worried!
She also is making this burping noise, and I’m not sure the vet believed me at first. We were mid conversation and she burped funny and she looked at her wide eyed and said “what was that peanut?”. I said see! The noise! I mean I’m not happy she has been doing it, but happy the vet heard it. Even though she said “I’ve never heard a dog make that noise before”. Just wonderful…
The good news, Phoebe is A- OK. The bad news, she had blood work and a shot of reflux medication. We think it’s either post nasal drip, a little tummy bug, or possibly reflux. Luckily she is acting her normal self, bouncing around, she just keeps getting sick. No worries, Mama is taking good care of her π
Β She insisted I hold her the entire visit.
When we came home we were both EXHAUSTED. What a day indeed.
So Terrible Tuesday, not so terrible at work, but terrible that my girl is under the weather!
Onto another day. Don’t forget to enter to win a tank!
XOXO With a Cherry On Top,
Glad Phoebe is feeling better!! My biggest accomplishment is losing 45 pounds with nothing but diet, exercise, pain and tears.
Thanks! Good for you and congrats! I love that you included tears. It’s such an emotional state to overcome and definitely not easy when you do it the right way π
So far my biggest accomplishment is losing 50 pounds in a year and becoming an All American water polo player that same year…. My next goal is to compete in a figure competition, and eventually a fitness competition… I’m always making goals and I hope my accomplishment list continues to GROW!!
That’s awesome, congrats! You can do it!
Hope Phoebe is 100% soon! My biggest accomplishment is getting Masters degree with a 3.98 GPA.
Smart lady! Love it π
Chelsea @ A Fit LittleOne
Glad it was nothing major wrong with Phoebe!! And congrats to you for getting a workout in when you were super tired! Those are the days that are extremely hard! My biggest accomplishment is changing my state of mind, instead of hating on myself, always thinking I need to be thinner, I’ve changed it to loving myself and being happy in my skin π
LOVE this! Love thy self π
Tamara Meeker
I would have to say my biggest accomplishment was getting myself clean after ten years of methamphetamine abuse when I was 28. I put myself through college, landed a great job and worked to build a new healthy lifestyle. It was hard, but here I am, 16 years later happy, healthy and determined to face every challenge life throws at me head on.
Great job girl! Glad you are healthy now π
Ashley C
My biggest accomplishment has been getting my BA and slowly working towards finishing my Masters while taking care of my kids π
Awesome, congrats!
Glad to hear that Phoebe is ok! My biggest accomplishment is getting my Master’s Degree. It was a struggle to balance work, school, and home chores while my husband was in medical school and I was in my Master’s program, but I excelled in my program and my husband in is. We did it! (insert high pitched Legally Blonde Elle Woods voice)
Haha @ Elle Woods. Love me a smart powerful woman! You go!
oh no, poor phoebe! glad to hear it’s not too bad. work up to a sick pup this morning. π it’s a little tummy bug she gets every now and again, but still, i felt like such a bad mamma leaving her to go to work. i just wanted to stay home and baby her. ah, the life of a furry pal mamma.
Aw hope your baby is okay too!
Hmm.. I would say my biggest accomplishment was when I beat my PR on my half marathon time by over 10 minutes!
Wow that’s wonderful! Inspires me to run more
Losing 30 pounds by changing my diet and working out!
Congrats on the weight loss!
Ahh I’d love that t-shirt! My biggest acomplishment would have to be my A level results. Great blog =)
Awesome, congrats π
My biggest accomplishment is being one of the only females in my class graduating with a MS in electrical engineering from Hopkins! Hope your little baby is feeling better! I hate it when my doggie is in pain of any kind!
This is awesome! Watch out boys π
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
My greatest accomplishment and continues to be is accepting myself and breaking down worries, eating patterns, and negative body image!
This is so important! Women are way too hard on themselves and so negative about their bodies.
I’ll have to say my kiddos…..and raising them to respect other people, and to do things they are passionate about. Also….getting into a healthy lifestyle after having said kiddos…..having 3 kids (doing all their stuff)…and working out 4/5 days a week…..dedication.
Awesome Amy! You sound like such a great mom!
I am so glad Phoebe is feeling better! I know she is your baby, just like my Shih Tzu is to me. π
I am most proud of myself for having made Dean’s List every semester in college.
Thanks! You smart lady you π
My biggest accomplishment is breaking my half marathon PR and placing in the race!
That’s awesome!
Phoebe kills me with cuteness, even at the doctors haha. My biggest accomplishment was probably just running my first marathon AND getting my goal time! woop woop
wow get it girl! congrats. And yes Phoebe is too adorable for her own good lol
Another great post π love the top!
My greatest accomplishment was overcoming anorexia which allowed me to finish law school, love my life and value my brain and my body (including muscles π ) equally! Today i have a healthy outlook on life, a great job and love food and exercise thanks to believing in myself and my future! If you want something, make it happen! Thanks for continuing to be an inspiration <3
Thanks! Glad you are healthy now and a smart cookie lawyer. π
My biggest accomplishment is passing the first 3 actuarial exams, I have a lot more to do before I get my credentials but I am on the right track! Brains are important too!
Congrats girl!
To the Top Times 6
[…] Have a great Thursday, and don’t forget to enter to win a tank! […]
Sarah K
My biggest accomplishment was passing my physical therapy boards two days ago!! Love your blog, very inspirational and REAL!
Thanks Sarah. CONGRATS on passing the boards! I know how stressful they are! Yikes
Rebecca Daley
My biggest accomplishment so far has been running my first half marathon in May…with a head cold!
Hi Katie! New reader here, but I love love your blog! Lots of inspiration here. π I’ve been recently inspired to strength train and I love seeing how dedicated you are to it. Also, super proud of you for your transformation!
My proudest accomplishment right now has been getting into nursing school! I have a BS in something else, but realized healthcare is my calling. I am on the NP track, so I love reading the tidbits of PA work you throw into your posts. π
Welcome Shoua! Congrats on going to nursing school π Hope everything goes as you wish!
Hi Katie,
New reader here…found your blog when you posted a review for a lulu tank, which by the way I bought and LOVE! Anyway, I am so into fitness and nutrition too. I am also an artist and my biggest accomplishment is that this year I finally started getting art commissions which has taken me forever to do. Making $ doing what I love is the best feeling ever!
My biggest accomplishment recently was finally making it under 200 pounds. I have not see numbers starting with a 1 in years.
Betty Crocker Dance Party
[…] Don’t forget to enter for the Meatheads apparel tank! You have until Sunday to do so!Β […]
Lynn Sosalla
My biggest accomplishment was leaving my desk job and starting my own company. I’m still small, but growing and so happy I made the decision to be a little risky!