The Week of Cheats
Okay I have to apologize first for going completely AWOL. What can I say? I’m all fat and happy right now 😉
So yeah I went buck wild on the cheats. Tony and I decided to give ourselves a week to enjoy whatever we wanted. I mean we really went to town. We were bad influences on each other, but I loved every darn minute of it! I think we ate clean maybe once or twice…
Okay maybe an understatement. Our mornings were oats and egg whites for the most part, but lunch and dinners were cheat extravaganzas. We stayed in the gym every single day, I did all my regular cardio (and then some) and yes I’m up in weight. Ya know that old saying you can’t out exercise a bad diet? IT’S TRUE! I’m not kidding you guys one day I did 3 hours on the step mill! Yes, three hours. It didn’t make a dent in my food damage.
Now I’m not saying go spend 3 hours on the step mill. That was a one time thing. I needed to justify all the things I’m about to show you 😉
Are you really surprised here? Sprinkles on my sprinkles please! This is cookie and cake batter ice cream in a chocolate waffle bowl with whipped cream.
A shake for Tony
And a cake pop for later. More sprinkles!
I made these Chocolate Peanut Butter Pretzel Squares thanks to Trisha Yearwood and G-Mama’s recommendation! Tony loves PB and chocolate.
I tore into more grilled cheeses. I LOVE CHEESE. This was from Grilled Cheese Company and it was epic. I also had Berger Cookies which amazes me that Tony doesn’t like them. BALTIMORE’S FINEST!
Then he took me to the Holy Grail of Doughnuts at “Fractured Prune”. I bet you can’t guess when the last time I had a doughnut was…? 13 years ago!
Yes, I remember. I was 17 on my senior week down at Ocean City, Maryland. My friend Audrey and I got a box of Krispy Kreme. That was my last doughnut.
You know I was all about the sprinkle one.
Saturday was my first real date night with Tony without prep involved. Had to get pretty! Too bad these cute sandals cut inter my circulation later from all the water I’m holding. THAT WAS AN EXPERIENCE!
For those of you who haven’t put the pieces together, yes Tony is my boyfriend. Yeah, I’m just as surprised as you! I never talk about relationship stuff on here, but he is my everything. I’m so lucky to have him.
Anyway, all through out prep I kept saying I wanted a deep dish pizza. Where the heck do you get a deep dish in Maryland that’s not an Uno’s or Pizza Hut? Well leave it to Tony to find a place for me. We drove 40 minutes to Silver Spring to this little family owned pizza place.
And it was just what I hoped for! The crust was so crunchy, my favorite part of the pizza.
Afterwards we went to the movies to see Furious 7. Popcorn and candy? CHECK!
Sunday night was couples night and we finished our cheat week with sushi. Look how pretty 🙂
The SpiderMan was made of honey. Cool, huh?
Back at home I finished with the chocolate bunny I was saving. Ears first of course. I got them this time Dad! (my Dad always ate the ears off my chocolate bunny at Easter time growing up).
So as you see lots of yummy food. Tony and I both went back to regular eating on Monday. I’m reverse dieting and he is clean bulking to put on size. We are in it together!
My progress from this bikini journey is up this week so check back!
XOXO With a Cherry On Top,
P.S. I KNOW I’m behind in e-mails. I promise to get back to everyone by this weekend!
Chelsea @ Raw N' Toned
Love seeing these pictures of you and Tony, so so so happy you found a guy that makes you so happy!!! And me and you are soul sisters when it comes to sprinkles!! I had to get a waffle cone dipped in chocolate and covered in sprinkles of course { had to celebrate passing my NASM test }, sprinkles all the way!!!
Thank you! I’m so lucky to have found him. He’s so good to me.