Transformations and New Perspectives

I am one happy Skinny Minnie. It’s my Friday! One shift to go and I am free as a bird for 3 whole days. I can’t wait! Plus a paycheck is coming my way, always a great feeling.

Once I got to work and we did our normal rounds and meetings, I had my greek yogurt. I usually eat it in the car, but I can’t do this anymore! I’m never hungry at 5:30 in the morning, so I would force myself to eat it and then feel bloated. So from now on, I have to make just 3 minutes to go to my office and inhale it around 8am.

I found time today
I found time today

As we were seeing patients I went to grab my hair tie on my wrist… WHAT empty wrist!?

Ladies, you know how this goes. The dread washes over you. No hair tie? What the heck am I going to do? It wouldn’t be so bad if my hair wasn’t super long. During work hours it has to be out of my face or it drives me insane. I had to get creative quickly

That would be the ties of a surgical mask. Cut them off and made a hair tie. One of the nurses actually said "cute hair tie!". We had a good laugh ;)
That would be the ties of a surgical mask. Cut them off and made a hair tie. One of the nurses actually said “cute hair tie!”. We had a good laugh 😉

After doing lots of work, I stopped for lunch (veggies, freekah, and my clean pulled BBQ chicken)

"lunchie munchies"- favorite line ever
“lunchie munchies”- favorite line ever

Later on in the day I ran across one of the med students who had a hair tie! SCORE! I knew I could count on the girl with the long hair 🙂

Hair out of face!
Hair out of face!

I have to say work is going really great. Everyone keeps saying they can’t believe how fast I caught on. I’m a pretty fast learner, plus I’m super dedicated (does this surprise you?), and  I like to feel accomplishment! I feel right at home after just 3 and a half weeks 🙂

4:30 came and I left right on time again. I am probably jinxing myself big time, but work hasn’t been as insane lately, or maybe I am just getting more efficient! 😉

I headed straight home instead of to the gym to see my baby girl, I needed the rest day anyway!

Gym clothes, but skipped the gym!
Gym clothes, but skipped the gym!

Phoebe only spent 2 hours out of my bathroom yesterday, so I was feeling guilty. I went to bed a little earlier the previous night because I was wiped and I TRIED to let her lay in the big bed with me. Well 2 minutes after I fell asleep she woke me by standing on my chest and slapping her paws in my face! She swats like a darn cat. If she could talk she probably would have yelled “MAMA WAKE UP!!!!” I was pretty mad at her, she definitely has a behavior and attention problem, but it’s my own fault. 🙁

This picture says it all as to how Phoebe has been acting lately... little miss attitude!
This picture says it all as to how Phoebe has been acting lately… little miss attitude!

I took a semi-nap. I call it this because I really didn’t sleep straight through because Phoebe doesn’t let it happen. I dozed a little for about an hour. Phoebe wouldn’t stop barking, so I decided to get up and make dinner.

Peanut Chicken Ginger with onions and peppers on a bed of grilled bok choy!
Peanut Chicken Ginger with onions and peppers on a bed of grilled bok choy!

It was quite delicious. Click the picture for the recipe 🙂

I also was able to use my new food processor, finally! I made a Frozen Monkey for dessert

This thing barely makes any noise! Quite a difference from my old one
This thing barely makes any noise! Quite a difference from my old one

And it made my dessert super fluffy! Turned out fabulous

So creamy and smooth
So creamy and smooth

I ended up topping it with my Skinny Minnie Clean Granola for some crunch! I definitely am making more granola this weekend. I can’t get enough of it. I can’t believe I haven’t been making it all this time. Love when I come up with a recipe I just crave over and over!

Best dessert EVER
Best dessert EVER

I also caught up on some tv, did some dishes, and created a new gym playlist (long overdue).

Oh and I was looking over some pictures of me from the summer and I was slim, but definitely was lacking muscle tone in my arms (my legs have always been pretty muscular). Towards the end of the summer was when I became serious about a lifting routine. I thought skinny was perfect, and now I see it totally different. I love muscle and love that I can lift as much as the guy next to me at the gym. I’ve made quite the transformation and I intend to keep going with it. I also upped my calories and believe it or not that is helping! You need to eat to gain muscle 🙂

Here’s a little comparison picture I made today

Slim and fit before, now Jacked and fit!
Slim and fit before, now Jacked and fit!- The left is July/August time frame. Right is January, so about 5 months 🙂

Hoping for a speedy day at work to kick off my weekend! Today is my favorite workout day! SHOULDER DAY! Going into beast mode since my body has rested some!

And before I sign off, a couple of things to think about! I have had requests for a workout tab, listing my lifting routines. This has been a work in progress because I originally wanted pictures to go along with it. For the time being, I will just list my “most common” routines I do so you can follow and don’t have to search anymore.

Also. Have a craving for a specific type of food that isn’t clean? Shoot me an Email and I will make a Skinny Minnie version of it! I’ve been coming up with new ideas and recipes to try this weekend, but if I get requests I’ll try those out first 🙂

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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  1. Chelsea @ LittleOneRuns

    that frozen monkey monkey looks good!! makes me want one of my banana chocolate coconut smoothies. wow! what a transformation!! congrats 🙂 showing girls everywhere that you can lift and not be bulky, but sexy.

    1. Katie

      haha thanks! I feel good!

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